The Chi-Town Breakdown: ASM #878

Hey gang!  Miss me?  I know Dark Mark did, he’s my biggest fan.  So, Ben has left the hospital singing “Raindrops keep falling on my head” with a new lease on life, after Peter gave him the blessing to be Spider-Man.  Peter couldn’t fight off the pain anymore and fell into a coma after Ben left.  Mary Jane and Aunt May are worried sick for Peter, while the Beyond Ben Mascot went to fight Morbius.  Did Ben win the fight?  Did Peter wake up?  Dive on in with me Crawlspacers, to get these questions answered (or maybe not) right here, on the Spider-Man Crawlspace!

(Beyond Trust)
Patrick Gleason, Zeb Wells, Saladin Ahmed, Cody Ziglar, & Kelly Thompson
(Writer) Kelly Thompson
Sara Pichelli 
(Colorist) Marcio Menyz
(Letterer) VC’s Joe Caramagna
Nick Lowe
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released 
Issue Number
Price Tag:
For a different perspective:
Alford’s Notes and Read’s Reads

Story:  Ben is doing some exercise training with Misty Knight & Colleen when when the head of superhero development for the Beyond Corporation, Maxine Danger, walks in like she owns the joint.  Apparently she does own the place and shows an intimation display towards Ben “I’m all business, Clone-Boy, I own you.  Check out my outfit.”  Ben plays it smart and lets her hear what she wants to hear, then tells that to his therapist, Dr. Kafka.  Meanwhile Mary Jane tells Aunt May that she called everyone she knew in the MU that could help Peter, but it all went to voicemail.  May isn’t too fond of that and decides she’s going to make a couple “House Calls” and leaves MJ with Peter, not knowing that The Black Cat is watching from the window.  Ben and Janine share a boyfriend/girlfriend moment that I personally couldn’t give a thwip about, but duty calls and Spider-Man is needed.  We then come to Ben fighting Morbius, and Michael needs blood, you know…because he’s a vampire.  During the fight, Morbius gets the upper hand because he heard of all the talk about Ben being made out of flour, and sinks into that tasty cupcake!

The Breakdown:

  • Maximum Danger
  • Ben’s Memories
  • Peter’s Support System
  • Ben’s Support System
  • Moribus
  • Nitpicks
  • Grade

Maximum Danger:  Thompson introduces us to Maxine Danger.  That’s a James Bond girl name if I ever heard one and frankly I’m a bit disappointed that Ben didn’t make a pun about that.  Peter would have.  So now we know that Marcus has a boss watching over him and she believes that Ben is the best investment they have and expects Ben to follow through with that belief.

Excuse for a second while I process that managerial decision…

*wipes tear from eye*  Oh man…I’m good…I’m good.

Not sure if this character made other appearances elsewhere, but I would like to think that she is new and Thompson used the character name to instantly inform the reader that she’s not to be messed with and presents danger into Bens’ life.  According to her, Spider-Man is a property item that she now owns.  Ben is key to an investment that she has made and that key component can’t be taking off the suit and turning off his GPS whenever he feels like.  Otherwise she’ll get someone else.  She’s more about profit and image than anything else and frankly, I don’t trust this character.  There’s more to her than meets the eye and her pink hair is just wild!

Ben Memories:  One thing I did find interesting is that Ben can’t remember certain aspects about Uncle Ben.  Peter had this dream where Uncle Ben was faceless and now it seems that Ben can’t remember what Uncle Ben said in a memory.  I expect this theme to continue.  I’m leaning more towards that idea that the Beyond Corp wanted to take Peter out and played it’s cards right to do so.  Do they know he’s Spider-Man?  Kafka shoves it off as “normal behavior” within memories, but I’m not buying it.  It think there’s more to it.  Uncle Ben is the anchor that made Spider-Man to be a hero and Thompson references that in this very issue.  Without that anchor, Spidey is adrift.  Luckily for Peter, Mary Jane along with Aunt May, keep both Peter and Spider-Man anchored.  It grounds him to be more relatable and inspired to do the right thing.  Who does Ben have?  What anchors him?  Read below…

Peter’s Support System:  Thompson really seems to shine on this particular area in the comic.  She really dot’s her (i’s) and crosses her (t’s), except for one tiny detail.  The fact that Mary Jane has reached out to everyone she had connections with.  Both Stark and Strange were unavailable, so why not call Reed Richards?  I think Johnny Storm is having problems with his power right now, but if you best friend is in a coma…the smartest guy we know on the planet SHOULD be able to help with that considering radiation is involved.

That aside, Mary Jane is doing everything she can to help as well as Aunt May.  It’s now May’s turn to make calls to people she knows and since Otto Octavious was the one started this mess by swapping brains with Peter, May will make sure that Otto CORRECTS his error.  Given the solics, expect Otto to make a house call to the Beyond Corp as well.  Remember, Otto respects May and will do anything for “that sweet old lady.”

Then there’s Felicia Hardy.  She’s peeking in.  So you have three leading ladies in Peter’s life that are not giving up and doing what they can to help out.  His “Mom”.  His True Love.  His Friend (Ex-GF).

Ben’s Support System:  Janine Godbe and the Beyond Corp are there for Ben, but then you got Misty Knight & Colleen as backup.  Janine (second rate Mary Jane) is basically Ben’s true love and anchor that keeps Ben grounded.  However, she even knows that, despite them living large and together, they are still “trapped” and feel like the Beyond Corp is keeping them in a cage or on a tight leash.  However, I’m going to give Thompson props for doing what Wells failed to do.  There’s a scene where Ben gets called into action, but before he leaves he made sure to address Janine’s concerns.  Made a commitment to assure her that they will pick up right where they left off.  In ASM #876, Wells failed to do that with Peter and Mary Jane when Peter got called into action.  There absolutely no excuse for Wells not to write that portion of the comic better, so I’m giving a thumbs up to Kelly Thompson for correcting it, even though it’s Janie and Ben instead of Peter and MJ.

Morbius:  He’s back and he’s sorry.  It’s the Halloween season and what better villain to have fight Ben that a living vampire?  Michael is out for blood…literally!  He’s not liking what apparently he “needs” to do, but there’s a purpose behind it.  I actually can’t guess on what that can be, I bet is sucks for Ben though.  *Ba Da Bum*


  • Why is Maxine Danger is a full white suit with a transparent shirt that shows her bra?  Is that an outfit?!  Did she forget to button up?  Ladies, help me out here.
  • I like how Ben is aware but I don’t like that he’s naive most of the time.  He wants to make this opportunity count, but is failing in doing so.
  • Is Kafka aware the Ben is a clone of Spider-Man?  Kafka knows Peter…does she know the Peter and Spidey are the same?  Refresh me.
  • Would like a little more on Peter/MJ, but I think that will address especially in ASM #883

Grade:  I don’t like this Beyond direction, I’ve already stated that.  However, I’m giving this one a B-.  Well written and art is good.  All the characters are within their characterization.  However, this isn’t Spider-Man.  This is a “side note”.  Thompson picks up where Wells left off and actually corrects a few things.  Much needed correction I might add.  I would have loved to see Kaine in this mix rather than Ben.  Kaine has worked with Peter and understands/respects that the Spider-Man mantle is his.  Ben is taking this because he’s being payed “stupid money”.  Honestly you are probably not going to get an A from me on this arc unless a Peter centric issue comes around, but that can change.  Still, I need to be fair and this isn’t BAD.  Just leaves a sour taste in your mouth and speaking of “sour taste”…

…Dark Mark has next issue.

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  1. Mmh, after “their local chain pizzeria.” I wrote facepalm between symbols but it doesn’t show.
    Are they tag identifier? Let’s try: facepalm facepalm

  2. @Mark
    Ock should have forgotten everything from the Superior era, including Spider-man’s identity (of which I’m quite sure, because I remember he tells exactly that to AnnaMaria Marconi)
    What I’m eager to see is if they address the fact that May should know what kind of person Doc Ock is by now. She isn’t the naive old woman of the ’60s and Ock had a worldwide villainous plan not long ago.

    “their local chain pizzeria.”
    “That’s the pizza God eats.”
    “This is what happens when we no longer has Kindred to speculate over.”
    LOL That’s true.

  3. Did bong realise the through away pizza comment, would lead to such discussion. This is what happens when we no longer has Kindred to speculate over.

    Reread the issue; don’t know how I missed that Morbius spelling mistake. It’s all over. That won’t help the brand if that movies every released.

    I’m sticking with web-face Ben was Riley’s dream. He has gaps in his memory and I think that’s how his mind deals with not being able to remember “his uncle’s” face.

    It would be a nice bit of karma if Ock helps Peter out of the coma. Not realising he’s Spider-Man, or that he’s the reason for his last extended absence.

  4. @Aqu: I suppose that’s fair. I have had Domino’s and Pizza Hut here in the states and I’ve tried them. They take the recipe everywhere and I assume it would taste the same. I don’t plan on making any across the sea trip just to take their local chain pizzeria. 🙂

    @Mark: Anything for you Marcus. I willing to bet there was a “soft void” on the OMD deal. Mephisto did “interfere with Peter’s life” in some way shape or form after the deal was made. So I’m willing to bet Aunt May knows. I can also see the Janine theory and don’t even…you are your hockey…I know my pizza. I have never been to Italy to have some, want too. Chicago-style pizza is one of the best and it’s the #1 thing to get if you ever visit this fair city. Hate all you want, you know I’m right.

  5. Thanks for all the love, Petey! I had the choice to read this one first or the new Moon Knight and for the first time in a long time, I chose a different comic to read before the ASM. That said, Moon Knight is REALLY good right now and I have to agree with you that this issue wasn’t bad. It’s pretty good, in fact. I’ll give it a B. I think they are doing a decent job keeping Peter and supporting cast in this Ben-centric comic. I didn’t expect them to. They could easily have put Peter in a coma and just check in on him every three or four issues, but so far, they are not doing that. I like the idea of May calling Doc Ock. Does he know who Spidey is right now or had he lost all that knowledge when he made his deal with Mephisto?

    I agree with you and Steve that it is interesting that something is wrong with Ben, but you got me Chi-Town, I didn’t think to piece that together with Peter’s dream. I would have thought that Beyond was doing something to Ben, but if it is possibly affect Peter too… We’ll have to keep our eyes on that and figure out if that is it or if Adam is right.

    I am finding the Janine part pretty interesting. I know you are a bit against that since she is an obvious MJ stand in, but I think there is real possibility here. She is what makes Ben a Spider-Man/Peter-type figure. With her around, he acts more like Peter. With her not, he’s just another person with Spider-Powers. Plus, the fact that they are keeping the MJ figure around shows that Marvel seems to be committed to there being a Peter/MJ dynamic. I think, anyway. Sthenurus is right. They are going to do something to Janine so that we can get a story that shows what Peter would do if someone hurt MJ without angering the fans that they offed MJ.

    Dude, you think Chicago-style pizza is pizza, so any thoughts you have about Pizza Hutt, Domino’s, or any other real pizza can just be kept to yourself. Adam, don’t back down from him. Chicago-style pizza is about as good as Chicago-style source citation or Chicago ice hockey. He has no clue what the real deal is. Aqu@, I have never had pizza in Italy (but I did eat a slice in the Italy section of Bush Gardens once, which is probably the same thing), but there is no way it can compare to Michaelangelo’s Pizza in Carolina Beach, NC. That’s the pizza God eats.

    Anthony – ” it would give Dan Slott an excuse to write about Spider-Man in Fantastic Four. Thanks MJ!” HA! HA! HA! That was great!

  6. Seeing how Editorial Dept. got Morbius name wrong (great work, Marvel!) and you spelled it wrong all over the review, I honestly thought you were just making fun of them. Instead it’s a mistake spreading like an infection!
    I too worry about the identity problem, as I already stated previously. The fact that Ben goes around calmly without his mask, in a building full of people, when his face is that of Peter Parker, is more than annoying. It’s a big nonsense.
    I’m no lady, but I’m pretty sure Danger’s outfit is just what passes as a boldly form of elegance nowadays.
    Ah, Pichelli’s art…! I already lamented in the preview about the spider symbol (the legs, darn, the legs!), but another feature of her is the “moving mole”. I had so much fun finding out which female character would she give a mole on the face this time. MJ? Janine? Aunt May? Drum roll… It’s the (maybe not so) new character Maxine Danger! But it’s not moving this time. It’s disappearing! Sometimes she has it, sometimes not. Which character will be next time? Place your bets!

    Please, you can’t talk about good pizza, until you have tasted one in the country it’s from. 🙂

  7. @Chi-Town In Fact, I was talking about the actual comic, at the same panel they are refering to the vampire as Morbius and Moribus, they continue calling him Moribus and at the end, Ben says Morbius.

  8. @jbeltramirez: Oh …. you’re worse that Mohammad on the spell checking. I’ll fix it. 😀

    @sthenurus: Yes, that’s ANOTHER one that wants a Peter/MJ story over Ben’s. Take notes Marvel. I honestly believe Peter David did with what he could to what he was given and knew it wasn’t going to be that good and short lived.

    @Franz29: Thanks man! I know right, could it be any more obvious that Danger is DANGER!?

    @Evan: Sweet missing web fluild..I remember that Miguel O’Hara relationship in his second volume. SO BAD.

  9. Great Review. I liked the issue but I want Peter back, is it too soon?, well I have a question, am I losing something? But why Marvel is writing “Moribus” instead of “Morbius”?

  10. @Chi-town
    God I hope you are wrong. Ben was murdered enough by Slott, I REALLY do not want another wrotter to wreck the character even more. We already saw what a soul-less Ben Reilly looks like in Peter David run and it wasn’t all that great or interresting…

  11. Solid Review Chi-Town.
    Really not digging Pichelli’s art on this one, just looks bland to me. Story wise, as everyone said, I’m more interested in the Peter/MJ B plot than the A plot, and I like Ben Reilly, always have. Something is up with him forgetting things though and his characterisation seems off.

    The Max Danger name was an eyeroll for me. I know it’s comics but that screams “BAD GUY”. Some subtlety wouldn’t go amiss.

    It’s a C from me

    In Adam’s defence – nope, there are no decent pizza joints here in the UK. I spent many years in New York/New Jersey and good pizza is the main thing I miss (that and Dunkin Donuts coffee). Everything over here pales in comparison.

  12. The Janine / Ben dynamic reminds me of Miguel O’Hara’s relationship in Spider-man 2099. This will be amplified if, as Sthenurus says, Janine gets killed.

    I hate to be a fuddy-duddy or curmudgeon or whatever the word is, but I miss Nick Spencer — yet I agree with Adam — I can respect anyone who is open to making the best of things.

    Hopefully the question in the nitpick regarding Kafka can be resolved — I personally don’t think that’s a nitpick per se. It’s kind of important, I think. Now, regarding Maxine Danger’s outfit — I’ve been wondering about that for a long time. I get “Admiral Holdo” feelings from her. Maybe it’s the hair.

  13. @Steve, @Sthenurus: Let’s not forget that Ben IS A CLONE and has been put through the science and magic ringer way too many times. I am willing to bet that he is, slowly but surely, loosing his mind. As I stated before, the essence and lessons taught by Uncle Ben are the foundation that MADE Spider-Man a HERO. It’s right there in Amazing Fantasy #15. He’s the anchor to Peter’s Spider-Man and the links on that chain to that anchor are Mary Jane, Aunt May, and The Black Cat. Ben doesn’t have the anchor honestly, because he’s a clone. A copy cat. The memories aren’t real and aren’t his. Therefore the anchor to make Spider-Man a hero doesn’t really apply to Ben. He’s only there for “stupid money” and Janine is his “anchor” provided by the Beyond Corp. The conscience of Peter is slipping away in Ben, you can almost see it.

    @Adam: AH! C’mon there’s gotta be real pizza place in London. Interesting theory you got going there, or it could be Peter’s dream forewarning him about Ben.

  14. @Chi Town

    Definitely picked the wrong reviewer to drop a pizza metaphor. I’m in England so much options are really Pizza Hut or Dominoes.

    I was think close to a McDonalds metaphor

    I’m wondering if the dream of Uncle Ben’s webface was really Riley’s dream and clever editing made us think it was Peter’s. Beginning the question, if Ben no longer had the memories of Peter’s upbringing, can he still be Spider-Man?

  15. Great review! I agree with the B-!

    I personally don’t like the art, especially the faces. They feel off to me.

    Something is definitely wrong with Ben. Memory loss, slow down, trouble finding his words…looks like he is loosing his mind.

    I like Janine. She is smart enough to see what the beyond really is, and she basically goes along… For now. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d be the reason Ben rebels against beyond (say, they kill her). Especially if our theory about beyond sending the u-foes to take out Peter turns out to be true.

  16. There’s definitely something off with Ben. Chi points out his forgetting what Uncle Ben told him, but he also had to be helped twice with finding the right word to finish his thought. Throw in his also being slow on the right and we have some serious flaws with this version of Spider-Man. It’ll be interesting to watch how that plays out, but not as interesting as Peter’s sub plot. I need more of that.

  17. @Anthony: That thought did cross my mind. LOL. If that’s what Kelly Thompson was aiming for, good characterization on MJ! 😀

    @Adam: Thank You! Why would want Pizza Hut? I live in Chicago, anything is better than Pizza Hut. No one out pizzas the hutt because it’s not real pizza, there’s nothing to “out pizza”. It’s good tasting, but not real pizza. Now where was I? Oh yeah..I feel like this whole Beyond story isn’t what we ordered. I can see you “Aunt May Perspective”. Although, 616 has been known to take charge like the ultimate version.

    @Geiseric: The save Peter sub plot IS more interesting than the main plot. We get that more in ASM 883 (according to subplots). Superior Spider-Man may have had a twist to set it apart, but it’s whole purpose was to spotlight Otto since he was favored by the writer. There was no “Spider-Man” in that book, just a “shell” being driven by another driver, in my opinion. To use Adam’s metaphor. Superior was like asking for a Chicago hot dog from Portillo’s and getting a chicken sandwich from McDonalds instead.

  18. The problem is this whole arc feels by the book? Like I know where this is going for the most part, which isn’t a huge issue but I haven’t seen anything yet to make it feel fresh.

    Like say what you will about superior spider man it at least had a twist to set it apart.

    The save Peter sub plot just seems more interesting than the main plot as well

  19. Great review. Respect that you can give this book a favourable grade, though it’s not what you want.

    I liked it. But can’t help but feeling like someone’s brought me a Domino’s when I want a Pizza Hut. Thompson can make a great pizza, but this just isn’t what I ordered.
    Nick Lowe promising a infinite ending was the best thing he could have done, cause I can take this for a few months. But soon, I’m going to want my favourite back.

    My one con – this reads too much like Ultimate May.

  20. Great review! MJ didn’t contact Reed Richards because it would give Dan Slott an excuse to write about Spider-Man in Fantastic Four. Thanks MJ! <3 Lol! You can just pretend Reed's off world or something. I mean he is. Off into the badly written Slott World. 😛

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