The Clone Saga is over, and Miles is ready for a change in his life.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29
Written By: Saladin Ahmed
Art By: Chris Allen
Colors By: David Curiel
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Story: Miles in his room wearing his shredded costume. After thinking about the events over the week with clones wearing his Spider-Suit, He decides to text Kenneth about making him a new costume. After a school day filed with a pep talk from Mr. Sumida, and a run in with Sean after he spots Miles talking to Shift in the sewer drain. Miles and Ganke go to find out what’s killing his clone. They come to find out he’s now perfectly stable, and they think it’s Billie’s snot from the last issue. Later Miles in a hobo like costume meets Kenneth, and their mom. While Kenneth goes to get them something to drink, the mother wants to Miles one on one. After having moment of thanking Miles for helping her child, and for still looking out help normal people with everyday problems. Kenneth gives Miles his brand new threads.
The personal moments: One of the things I like about Miles’ book is these slice of life stories. Where we sees not only Miles effect on his supporting cast, and people of his neighborhood. But also their effect on him, as he grows up into adulthood. I love his talk with Mr. Sumida, how it shows Miles frustration about his life, and the ever changing status quo. I enjoy the advice Sumida gives Miles, as I feel anyone can relate to it when life is at an all time low, and yet we still keep going.
What I liked about the talk with Kenneth’s mom, is how it shows us the positive effects one act of kindness can have on anyone. Here’s a woman that thought that superheroes are B.S., who only fight when it’s Galactus, or Knull attacking the planet, but saw her child’s struggles being ignored by the world at large. Yet Miles changed her view point slightly just by being there to help Kenneth with nothing gain from it.
The reason for the new costume: I love that it’s makes sense in story for Miles to change his look here. After everything Selim, and the other clones did in the “Clone Saga”. We all wouldn’t want to be remind of them every time we look in a mirror.
The Shift stuff: I’m just not feeling it with him. The “Pennywise” moment was fun I guess. But the rest just felt meh to me, and him being stable already one issue later, and from smallest of reasons with the baby snot from last issue. It just feels too easy, and very anti-climatic. Also I guess spray paint powers is just a thing now going forward…
The Art: Yeah not a fan this new artist in this issue. While Chris Allen’s super hero stuff looks really good, and makes me really dig the new costume. His normal people just looks bad if asked me. Like don’t get me wrong if I saw this work in an high school Indy book, I’d think it was impressive. But it just doesn’t fit with what I think a Spider-Man title should look like. I mean it just so hit, or miss here. Some stuff looks good, but his faces, just look at his Ganke in this book, His looks change panel to panel. From looking too generic, and/or just being wrapped. Just very ugly art at moments.

Grade and Overview:
C+, Again I love all the character moments with his mom, Mr. Sumida, Kenneth and their mom, and Miles himself. But I’m already done with Shift in this book. He adds nothing right now, and I don’t like how quickly his dying story was wrapped up. The part with Sean felt more like Peter Parker than Miles Morales. While the art this issue seemed like a step down from the previous artists’ on the title.
The new costume opinions? I like it from the little we saw in here. I like the modern street level hero vibes it’s giving me. Since this Miles book is really hitting home the street level elements of a “Spider-Man”. It’s also looks like a teenage made it, which is a nice touch of realism I appreciate as a teenager did make it. Love that it keep the classic Miles colors. My only real complaint is the scarf covering the mouth. I appreciate Miles having his face double protected in a pandemic. But imagine how muffled he must sound?
Come back tomorrow when I’ll have the new “Black Cat” review ready to go. Catch you later Spider-Friendos!