For weeks, I have been really excited for this issue, expecting and anticipating an epic clash between the new dynamic duo of Silk and Saya versus Kasha the cat-demon. I was so heartbroken to see at the end of this issue that this was actually the last of not only the arc, but of the entire series itself. But… some good news was delivered by the team when they said that while this may be the end for now…. This is definitely not the last we will see of Silk. So, let’s all be sure to watch out for all the latest news to come out about Silk, because I really, truly think she is the future of the Marvel Universe, and has great potential to be one of the main faces of the next generation of superheroes, somebody that young girls and boys can look up to in the coming years.



STORY BY: Maurene Goo

ART BY: Takeshi Miyazawa


VARIANTS BY: Felipe Massafera, Judy Jong, Kael Ngu, Netease


  • It all comes down to this!!!
  • Silk has one chance to stop Kasha from unleashing an ancient demon god!
  • She’ll have to join forces with an unlikely ally to do it.
  • And some shocking revelations turn Silk’s world upside-down!



  • The chemistry between Silk and Sasha works like magic! This gem of a love/hate relationship has to be sustained in the next Silk book, one way or the other. And if you also throw in the betrayal that Silk felt when she found out that her therapist is Saya’s brother… this is all just too juicy to pass up on. It is interesting how Saya sees Silk’s good intentions, but at the same time, calls her out for it with a mix of concern and annoyance. On the other hand, we also get a glimpse of Silk’s perspective as she exposes Saya’s sketchy and shady activities.
  • The final fight, while a bit short, did deliver on the action. And it also gave Saya and her technological expertise great exposure… showing the character’s full potential as a very viable future villain… hero… or more of something in-between kind of personality.
  • The scene where Silk was going around asking all her friends for help was cute. Even Spider-Man was too busy for her, poor girl. But Silk has proven that she will always find a way and that she is not only powerful, but also extremely smart, intelligent and resourceful. And that is part of why Saya likes her so much, despite her maybe not admitting that fact any time in the near future.


  • This issue did feel a bit rushed. I am not sure if this arc was really supposed to end so soon in the original plan, but five issues is definitely not enough to flesh out a fresh story with so much potential and entertainment value. I feel that Kasha was defeated too easily, and the layers behind Kasha’s mission in life were not fully explored. The story became less about Kasha and its goal of world domination through a newly resurrected demon-villain… and more about the new friendship of Saya and Silk. It is not a bad thing in itself, but more time and spotlight could have been given to all portions throughout the entire story.


This series as a whole had so much to offer, and I was getting ready for a long-term relationship with Silk this time around… but in the end, the arc was wrapped up too soon, too quick, and in a rushed manner. While the creative team did a perfect job of establishing Silk as a major player in the Marvel Universe, and one who is extremely likeable… the follow-through fell quite short. But, at the end of the day, if Marvel is promising that this is far from the end, then we will have to give them the benefit of the doubt. I am sure many of Silk’s readers and fans will clamor for more issues immediately. And that’s a good thing! Let us know what you think in the Comments section! Cheers!

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  1. Seeing this series ending is a shame. From the art to the characterisation, everything was fun and spot in!

    Hopefully the series get another chance (with yet another #1…)

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