Amazing Spider-Man #75 First Look

Marvel have given us our first look at the art of Amazing Spider-Man #75

Creative Team will consist of

Lead Writer/Artist
Patrick Gleason

Along with

Writer/Artist/Cover Artist
Athur Adams
Sara Pichelli (Miles Morales), Michael Dowling (Black Cat) 

From Editor Nick Lowe: 
“When we started building ‘Beyond’ we knew we had to pull out all the stops from the artistic side. That began with making sure Patrick Gleason was with us from the get-go as a writer AND an artist. His recent webhead covers have rocked the industry showing yet another element to the incredible career that we all saw on display during his run on Amazing Spider-Man. He quickly stepped up to be our artistic cornerstone, but we also needed to make sure that whoever else joined him were elite talents.”

“Sara Pichelli is an absolute legend, creating some of the most impactful work of the last ten years. It’s crazy to think this will be her first time drawing Amazing Spider-Man, and she’s already blown us away with her masterful work. Michael Dowling’s work on Unfollow and other works got him hired for Black Cat, but his work there showed us that he would be an absolute superstar, and his issues are already blowing our minds. And then, to be able to land Arthur Adams as our cover artist. I mean, from his classic X-Men Annuals to today, Arthur has defined the Marvel Universe visually as much as almost anyone. So to have him here? I’m beyond excited. And wait until we reveal the rest of our all-star roster!”

Amazing Spider-Man #75 will be released October 2021

Make sure to also check out FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2021: SPIDER-MAN/VENOM out August 14th, 2021 for the prelude to the New Era of Spider-Man


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  1. @Evan Berry: LOL You know, when I was writing about moving moles, that exact movie came to my mind.

  2. @Aqu@ — To quote Prince John in Robin Hood: Men in Tights: “I have a MOLE?”

  3. Oh no, not Pichelli! I don’t know what happened to her drawing, maybe she just found her own style, but since she returned drawing Miles in Spider-Man (2016), I can’t stand her.
    She draws Miles with a monkey face; she reinvented Blackheart’s design without reasons, making him a quite plain and generic demon; and she constantly adds moles to women’s faces, even when it has been estabilished for decades that specific character has no moles (e.g.: Black Cat). What’s worse is that she even can’t remember where those moles are, as I remember an issue where this female character had the mole on her face changing place every panel. It was funny in the worst possible way.

    I bet the issues drawn by her will have MaryJane grow a mole somewhere on her face.

  4. This is looking slightly better. I hated this news when it first dropped because I love Spencer’s run. But out of all the newer names, Gleason is the best. And that cover… man it really is magnificent and super emotional to look at. Gleason could be on the oth to be the next Bagley or Romita Jr.

  5. These pages and covers look stunning. I think Gleason has the potential to have a McFarlane level impact on the look of Spidey and he just needs the space and the right stories to do it. I think this will prove to be a far better showcase for him than his time on Spencer’s run was. As for the fate of Peter, I’m not worried. He’ll be sidelined for awhile (not killed this time, I’d bet) and be back eventually. In the meantime I’m prepared to enjoy Ben’s turn at bat. It’s a great line up of writers and artists coming in. I’m eager to see what they have in store.

  6. Man, that spider symbol *almost* looks symmetrical in some of those images. It’s growing on me though!

    The Ben Reilly Sensational suit is still one of my favs, and this new one is a nice homage to it. Agreed, it looks much better in color.

    That image of Peter in the hospital bed is bringing back memories of The Other arc, where he “died” in MJ’s arms after saving her from Morlun.

    I really hope he doesn’t have to die again, because I think that will sour Ben’s tenure moving forward. We all know it’s temporary. Just have Peter and MJ recuperating somewhere, and then Ben steps in as a favor to Pete. More so that Clone Conspiracy, I really think the worst thing they’ve done to Ben’s character is ignore his close relationship to Peter. They really were like brothers, and having Ben do this for Peter now will go a long way to repairing that, as well as redeeming his character. Can’t wait!

  7. @Sthenurus – That could be a possibility. I also love Ben Reilly and I’m glad he’s back in the comics, though I just wish it wasn’t for this storyline. But this is current Marvel we’re talking about here and I have no idea what they plan to do, if anything, with Peter and Mary Jane. It’s been nearly 14 years since “One More Day” and I really hope Marvel has a happy ending pay off for Peter and Mary Jane’s relationship than doesn’t involve getting Peter permanently out of the Spider-Man costume to do it.

    I hope you all are having a great day and stay safe, everyone.

  8. @Stuart. I understand your feelings, and I might be biased (I started reading Spidey during the clone saga) but if there is a legitimate reason to put Ben in the webs I’m in.

    What if Peter is grievously wounded and need time to recover, and he asks Ben to fill in as Spidey to cover his secret identity, as it’d be too obvious that spiderman wounds would match Peter’s? We get Peter and MJ reconnecting during Peter’s recovery while Ben carries the torch until issue 900 when Pete’s makes his triumphant return as spiderman with the blessing of his newly wed wife MJ!

    I know it might seem like wishful thinking but it could make sense.

  9. I feel like this is deja vu of the worst kind.

    We’ve already had Peter and Mary Jane sidelined already with Ben Reilly filling in as Spider-Man. We’ve already had the real Spider-Man gone and someone else taking over as a “better/superior” replacement with Doc Ock taking over Peter’s body when Peter was dead. I guess this means the big 900th issue “milestone” will be celebrating the return of Peter Parker when “Beyond” finishes. And as legitimately beautiful as the image is of Mary Jane at Peter’s bedside, I just find it incredibly unnecessary. Marvel’s current overall arc with Spider-Man seems to be going nowhere, stuck forever in having things happen to Peter, but no real character progression, and that’s a shame. Everything with Peter and Mary Jane is on hold all over again after building them up in Spencer’s run, and for what? A temporary run on the comic with Ben Reilly in the suit? Why not just have a Scarlet Spider title with Ben and just keep Peter as Spider-Man? At this point, it seems Marvel would rather have Peter’s own clone back as the star of the book than do anything serious with Peter and his relationship/marriage to Mary Jane.


    Marvel, call me when you decide to remarry Peter and Mary Jane. I’ll (still) be waiting.

  10. @sthenurus — I just sat for a while admiring that image, and I love the threadbare web suggesting that this experience is a weight that is testing the strength of the relationship, that we all hope isn’t too heavy to bear. As you said, very powerful.

  11. @sthenurus — I hadn’t really thought about Peter’s being sidelined for a while functioning as way to consecrate Spencer’s run by letting it “sit” for a while, out of the hands of whoever would undo or retcon it. That’s a great way to look at it. And if he has a strong finish, that’ll make it all the better. As I commented in an earlier post, and I suspect we’ll see this as Ben visits Peter and Mary Jane in the hospital, I hope we get some normal, everyday Peter and Mary Jane interaction. I’d really like to see a happy ending of sorts for them both, even if it’s only temporary.

  12. The suit looks so much better with lighter colors! Even the weird spider on the back is growing on me.

    The artwork looks kinetic and energetic, but kind of hard to follow. I guess we will see what happens when in print.

    So Peter is gonna be recovering and Ben will step up to fill a void. I like it. It’s their chance to redeem him for his Jackal days, re-introducing Ben to a new generation, while giving a PROPER reason to sideline Peter for a while and gives proper weight and consequences to Spencer’s run.

    @Evan: I’m 100% with you on that cover art. Man it’s simple, but powerful.

  13. Apart from the spider askew on Ben’s chest, I really like the art on those pages. I’m surprised that Gleason is missing the hyphen on his model sheet, though.

    That overhead image of Spider-man in the hospital with Mary Jane keeping vigil is beautiful.

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