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Variants of the Week 06/09/21

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Panel(s) of the Day #1113 (Mary Jane Monday!)

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  1. Just checked the db – the issue I described came out the previous year. So this panel is when he had powers. Not sure why he would want to portray himself as this hairless, wrinkled old man. Is he disguising himself as someone here?

  2. This scene is from when he had powers. He changes into another face on the next page. So there’s no reason to think this is his real face.

  3. Is this the Chameleon without his mask? If so I didn’t know that we’d ever seen his real face.

    I remember when he got “powers” (The Thief Who Stole Himself issue in the Micheline run) – he went from just using masks to using technology so that he could holographically (or was it actually a physical transformation?) change himself instantly to anyone he wanted. I remember him saying that the process of applying this new technology to himself altered his body so that he no longer had his original face (or something like that).

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