Panel(s) of the Day #1101 (Mary Jane Monday!)

Love it when everything works out.

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #27

Published: c. November, 1978?
Cover Date: February, 1979

“The Blind Leading the Blind”
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Frank Miller
Inker: Frank Springer
Letterer: Denise Wohl
Colorist: Bob Sharen

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  1. Wait, in that first panel is Betty implying that when Ned proposed to her she jumped at the opportunity?

    After Ned proposed, Betty spent many issues telling him that she had to talk to Peter (her ex-boyfriend) first before she could give him an answer. That is a giant red-flag there, guys.

    Man: “Would you marry me?”
    Woman: “Um, can I talk to my ex-boyfriend first before I give you an answer?”
    Man: “Uh, why?”
    Woman: “Oh, no reason.”
    Man: “What could he possibly say that would change your answer to me?”
    Woman: “Oh, look at the time! Gotta run!”

    Then after Betty finally said “yes” to Ned, they didn’t get married until ~100 issues later. On the ASM Classics podcast Josh suggests that Betty kept extending the engagement and putting off the wedding date for so long because she kept hoping to get back together with Peter.

  2. You can tell this is early Frank Miller because he’s drawing a scene with 2 women and he doesn’t draw them as prostitutes.

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