As I mentioned in my previous review, there is a lot of noise right now surrounding the Spider-Verse, thanks to the new Venom trailer. So we can expect many readers, new and old, to start hunting down possible Spidey titles they can read for the next few months to keep them occupied and entertained. Also, a huge chunk of the fanbase is still actually reeling from the aftermath of ‘King in Black.’ So this is the time for characters like Silk to shine, and WOW… is she making Peter Parker proud. This issue continues the strong momentum of the first two installments, and manages to make Silk even more likable than before. And what is even more pleasantly surprising is the fact that her supporting cast, the good AND the bad guys, are so strong, layered, well-rounded, and engaging that you will find it very difficult to put the book down once you start. And the long wait for the next issue will definitely be a killer.


Silk #3

STORY BY: Maurene Goo
ART BY: Takeshi Miyazawa
COVER BY: Woo Chul Lee, Emanuela Lupacchino, Kael Ngu

• What is the connection between gangland murders, a cat demon, and a futuristic tech company?

• While Silk unravels the mystery, more people are getting hurt.

• A perilous meeting with tech CEO Saya Ishii brings Silk one step closer to the truth!

• And a classic Spider-Man villain sets his sights on Silk!



  • Kasha, the cat demon killing gangsters in Queens, is such a unique, but intriguing villain. Kasha looks the part of the crazy, monstrous beast… but now we are starting to see a more calculated, human side to the mysterious creature. Kasha is such a volatile character, and I love it. On one hand, there seems to be a larger game at play, but on the other hand, it also appears that Kasha is settling for simple, clean bloodshed, as demonstrated in the spa of gangsters. Currently, Kasha is recruiting the gangsters for a mysterious reason, but she is being backed by the successful tech company Fujinet, led by a young woman named Saya Ishii. By the end of the issue, we learn that Kasha has unleashed an even worse threat, a larger, looming demon god that is obviously going to be a major headache for our titular superheroine.
  • As I always say about this book, the relationship between Silk and Jameson is pure gold. Jameson, this time around, tries to support Silk by telling her that she has to understand that she will not be able to save everybody. She explains that she knows that for a fact, but she is simply not a robot that can easily turn off her feelings. But in any case, Jameson attempts to lift that heavy burden from her shoulders… even though she did sneak up and crawl up his window that night, something he is apparently used to and alert to given his vast, deep experience with wall-crawlers.
  • Yes, I believe I judged the new therapist crush of Silk prematurely… Max seems like a nice guy for now, who is really looking out for his patient. Perhaps it is really just dumb luck that he is the sibling of Saya. Only time will tell if he will play a larger role in this dark conspiracy haunting Queens.
  • That Silvermane reveal in the end was a shocker, and had me jumping off my seat.


  • Not enough quips and jokes…? I’m just grasping for straws at this point, because honestly, I am enjoying every, single thing about this new series.


I still highly recommend this new series to anybody who has not yet tried this volume out… or for anybody who has not read Silk at all, in that case. I sincerely believe Silk is the bright future of the Spider-Man family, and I think we can build a whole new generation of fans with this powerful, strong and inspiring woman. I am looking forward to the madness that Silvermane will bring to the table. There are just so many volatile factors at play right now, and you just don’t have any idea how things are going to turn out. Feel free to hit me up on the comments section and let me know what you think about Silk!

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