Panel(s) of the Day #1077 (Mary Jane Monday!)

Mary Jane’s response to Flash is perfect.

Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #44

Published: c. November, 1966?
Cover Date: January, 1967

“Where Crawls the Lizard!”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: John Romita
Inker: John Romita
Letterer: Sam Rosen

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  1. @David – It’s funny when you read interviews of Stan where he says he was trying his best to make the readers prefer Peter to be with Gwen instead of MJ, but it never worked.

  2. If Mary Jane called Flash “Dad,” and Harry called Flash “Son,” that means Harry is Mary Jane’s grandfather, and Norman…nevermind.

  3. Maybe it’s just this copy but in the first panel it kinda looks like Flash has a moustache.

    Also, I LOL’d at Harry calling Flash “son”.

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