As I mentioned in my earlier review, I am very excited for this new Silk series, and I am hoping that through this book, the character will get more and more popularity to sustain it long-term. It is a breath of fresh air, and there is a special energy to this title that makes me want to read more of Silk’s adventures. The creative team obviously has a lot of passion and enthusiasm for the character, and even more love for her friends and family. And right now, I can honestly say that I am already growing quite attached to Silk and her new cast of characters. I also see the potential for Silk to go mainstream very soon in the near future, if Marvel decides to take this series’ approach to story-telling.

Silk #2

STORY BY: Maurene Goo

ART BY: Takeshi Miyazawa

COVER BY: InHyuk Lee, Kael Ngu, Rian Gonzales,

Rose Besch, Shannon Maer, Tyler Kirkham

  • Someone is killing gangsters in Queens, leaving behind a trail of blood and…fur?
  • Now Silk has to protect these low-level criminals from a bigger, nastier villain.
  • Can she use her sleuthing skills to figure out who’s behind it all and stop them before it’s too late?



  • In this issue, readers really see what a sweetheart Silk is deep down inside. Right away, you are able to feel her empathy and sympathy for the gangsters being murdered and victimized by the evil cat demon. She talks about how even gangsters do not deserve to be brutalized and violently torn apart like they have been at the hands of the monster cat creature.
  • The entire dynamic of Silk acting as Jonah’s bodyguard is also amusing, and it is heart-warming to witness Silk care about this man… who has definitely made many enemies in his life. But it appears that Silk genuinely cares about Jameson, and she will try to do everything in her power to keep him safe. He is a mentor, and possibly even a father-figure for this young woman, and I am looking forward to seeing more of their relationship in future issues.
  • I also grew more endeared seeing how Peter Parker is always there for Silk, even though he may not be able to be physically present in her life. Even just a text from Spider-Man, checking up on how everything is going with Silk, shows you that this book is all about family and friends, and cherishing those closest to your heart.
  • I extend my congratulations to the art team for this issue, as they are successfully able to depict the cat demon in both a scary and intimidating way… with a healthy dose of creepy. It makes it all the more disturbing when you hear and see the cat creature talk, giving it a quirky human appeal as a villain.
  • The pun about it not being over until the cat lady sings really had me sold. Silk is going to give Peter Parker a run for his money in the jokes and quips department. Silk is surely making the Spider-Verse proud with her witty comments.
  • I got a good laugh at Silk’s attempt to unite the gangsters of New York in order to get them to join forces against the cat demon. It is actually quite the brilliant strategy but it is way easier said than actually done. But the awkwardness was hilarious.


  • I just found the fact that she instantly grew attracted to and fell into a huge crush with her therapist a bit… too much. It was a bit cringey. And it was so obvious that there was some dark secret behind him, and the story didn’t even try to build suspense, as the reveal came pretty outright.


I’m really sold on this book, this wonderful character, and this empowering story. It might not have ground-breaking action, or deep discussions of philosophical issues, or even galaxy-wide repercussions, but ultimately this is what comics should be at the end of the day: a whole lot of fun. I am hoping and praying that the book gets enough level of success and excitement from the fans that will warrant a long run in the coming years.

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  1. When you put it that way…. I see your point! Putting ourselves in her shoes… I get it. 🙂

    Hopefully they go with your “ally” path! 🙂

  2. Great review!

    This book was a ton of fun. However i wasnt shocked by Cindy’s… attraction to her therapist. She has been stuck in a vault for most of her teenage/young adult life. Of course she is gonna be a little eager to meet pretty young men!
    I dont think the psychologist is evil per se. He seems to be mostly unaware of what the main vilain is doing. He might very well turn around and act as an ally to Silk against her.

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