Now, I am really excited! Finally, the new Silk series is here, and I know the global pandemic had some effect on the timeline and schedule for this book, but I am just glad it is finally here. Silk has so much potential to be a mainstream, fan-favorite superheroine and right now, it appears she is in good hands with this current creative team.


Silk #1

STORY BY: Maurene Goo
ART BY: Takeshi Miyazawa
COVER BY: Stonehouse, Bengal, Jay Anacleto, Jeehyung Lee,
Jen Bartel, Junggeun Yoon, Kael Ngu, Nayoung Wooh,
Peach Momoko, Skottie Young, Zu Orzu

By day Cindy Moon is an intrepid reporter for the upstart new media empire Threats & Menaces under her old boss, J. Jonah Jameson. By night, she’s Silk, crime fighting super hero! But those worlds are about to collide, as an investigation into a series of gangland murders puts Silk and everyone she loves in danger!

Who is this powerful new player in New York’s underworld, where did she come from, and what is she doing with that strange cat demon? It will take all of Cindy’s prowess as reporter and hero to find the answers…and stay alive!

Written by Maurene Goo (I Believe in a Thing Called Love) and drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa (RUNAWAYS, GHOST SPIDER), Cindy is on assignment, and nothing can stop her!


  • It is just plain weird, but amusing, to see the protagonist of a Spider-Man family book get along so well with Jonah. But that is what we have here in Silk: a perfect, almost father-daughter type relationship with Jonah. She is the millenial that he understands, admires, and respects. And it seems these two are going to be an interesting dynamic duo as they take on the threats and menaces of New York City… pun intended. Not only will Silk be a student of the game, an employee under Jonah, but it looks like she is also set to be his bodyguard. Fun times ahead!
  • I found it very quirky how Silk accepted the reward for stopping the robbery. She even knew it herself, how different her approach is compared to Peter Parker, who would probably never accept such a gift… but her acceptance of a nice, new, pretty, and expensive fashion item makes her unique, relatable and more adorable as a character. Let us never forget… This is a hardened, tough woman, who spent years stuck in a bunker… it is nice to see a softer side to her, as always. Somebody might make the connection though if Silk eventually wears what she got rewarded with.
  • Silk’s first case as a reporter is definitely not a normal gang-murder. I was expecting the first story Silk would tackle to be more grounded, or street-level. But already the adventure takes a turn for the wild and epic as we are met off the bat by a scary-looking cat demon… creature… beast… thing. Silk is a strong lady, and she makes it known in the office how she is stronger than the guys, but this monster looks to give her quite a challenge if we are comparing sheer power… but the ultimate question is what darker secrets does this monster have with the underworld of New York?
  • This book just lives and breaths youth, and has a vibrant energy that gives us all a breath of fresh air. It is Silk’s quirky attitude, her humor, and her oozing excitable aura that makes her instantly a likable superheroine and reporter. The writing team has done an excellent job of reminding readers why Silk was such a hit with teenagers in the first place. And congratulations also to the art team as their style perfectly fits the tone and vibe of the book. From its depiction of fashion experts, to the artsy, confident millenial in the news office, this title has already instantly created a new family for readers jumping on to the book. And yes, Jonah, months in one job is a long time already for a millennial (speaking from experience). Decades worth of experience, true.


  • NONE for me on this one. I’m just glad to have the girl back!


I highly recommend this book to all… even those who are not familiar with the character, or those who are not necessarily Spider-Man fans. She may have the same origin as Spider-Man, similar powers, but her years stuck in a bunker made her a totally different person. This girl is out to make a statement, showing to us not only can she save the Multiverse… she can also protect New York City!

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  1. I haven’t really followed Silk. But I’ve always felt like she should be a lot more, well, damaged by ten years of solitary confinement. But it’s like she popped out of that bunker and she’s pretty much fine (if you don’t count Slott giving her her uncontrollable nymphomania toward Peter. But they seem to have made that attribute disappear, for which we can all be grateful).

  2. Great to hear! Super fun first issue! But on the other hand… Yes I get what you mean by crowded! Especially nowadays, might be even more difficult for readers to buy and stay onboard for all the different series in their entirety…

    And yes, I agree on the artwork! Cheers!

  3. Great review Marco. This wasn’t even on my radar, but it certainly is now.

    I’ve liked this artist previous work, and it looks like their art style has really evolved since then. It looks fantastic.

    Silk always appeals to me, ’s just a shame the Spider-Women field is so crowded, it feels like Silk, Gwen and Jessica are all fighting for the same audience. The recent team-up in Last Remains didn’t help. I hope this series can stick around for a bit and Silk gets the attention she deserves. She works for T&M now? She should definitely start showing up in Amazing.

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