Power Packed Spider-Reviews: Miles Morales, Spider-Man #24


So for now Miles has no more Ultimatums, C.R.A.D.L.E, or Symbiotes to worry with. But can he and Kamala have a nice quit day off?

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #4 (Legacy #264)

WRITER: Saladin Ahmed

ARTIST: Carmen Carnero

COLOR ARTIST: David Curiel

LETTERER: VC’s Cory Petit

STORY: We began the story with Miles getting ready to go, and hang out with Kamala Kahn. They both need it after the big events they just survived. While the two kids are walking around a destroyed neighborhood, Miles notices a basketball court is still intact with a ball just rolling around there. Kamala wants to play a game, but Miles isn’t up for it at first. She wins out, and wants them playing “sport-ball” in their hero suits. Why in costumes? Well so she can use her powers, and not expose her secret identity. As Kamala uses her powers to dunk the ball without leaving ground. Miles can play dirty ball too by using his powers to score also.

Sadly their game of super-horse is stopped when they hear a scream for help. A woman needs help after her apartment building collapsed, and her neighbor with a new born where still inside the complex. luckily Miles and Kalama are able to rescue the mother and child unharmed. The woman that screamed for help tells the young heroes that this was cause the floor under the stairway has ever been fixed due to the landlord being a slumlord. Miles and Ms. Marvel track him down, and what do you know? This guy is loaded. An angry Miles thinking about the baby and people living in that mess goes to confront him. The owner of the building is a huge jerk. Claiming he doesn’t know what apartment Miles is talking about, and calls the teens criminals. This sets off Miles more, and the teenage Spider-Man starts to threaten the landlord into fixing the apartment.

Scared for his life the guy agrees to move the people into a nicer apartment near Broadway. Miles isn’t stupid, and warns the d-bag that he will keep an eye on this situation. Kamala worried due to them being “outlaws” is only recently dealt with get Miles to leave, but not before Spidey damages the guy’s expensive sportscar. With only an hour to go before Kamala leaves the two friends get ice cream. Miles does make it awkward thou by mentioning that his ex liked going with him to that ice cream shop. After his not-date with Ms. Marvel, Miles returns home with his parents worried about him. Why? Cause they saw a video of “him” kidnapping a scientist! To Be Continued…..


Well that was a really fun little story. Nice break in the action before the next story arc. I love these filler slice of life moments with the two kids trying to be normal teenagers when their whole world isn’t normal. I liked the part with Miles making the rookie mistake of mentioning the ex when with a girl he thinks is “just a friend”. Just makes me remember being that age, and stupid around girls also. I also really like Kamala here, and may go back to read her solo work now because of her time in this book with Miles recently. Also I really think Carmen’s art has been killing it recently on the book.

As for next time? Well get your Pogs, Morphers, Boyband CDs, and N64, because we are going back to the 90s!! Cause “begun Miles’ Clone Saga has.” See you guys during Black Cat’s next issue!

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