MARCO SPEAKS SPIDEY: Savage Avengers #18 Review (King in Black Tie-In)


The Savage Avengers are not left unscathed in the ‘King in Black’ crossover event, but this book is a little bit lighter than the other titles. And why wouldn’t it be, considering that it stars Deadpool and his wacky, crazy, looney crew, right? But unlike the kind of hostile takeover that we witness in other comics, where the symbiote violently takes charge of its host… it seems that Conan and his symbiote have a solid relationship and a common enemy in Kulan Gath. Both have a score to settle with the evil, vile and malicious sorcerer. So, for now, it appears that they have agreed to put their differences aside and work towards their common goal: the elimination of their mortal enemy. But the more important question for Conan is… at what cost?


Savage Avengers #18

STORY BY: Gerry Duggan

ART BY: Kev Walker

COVER BY: Valerio Giangiordano, Leonel Castellani, Superlog,


Conan, Deadpool and the Night Flyer escape Riker’s in the endless night during the reign of the King in Black. What crazy heist will ruin Deadpool’s 30th anniversary? Here’s a hint: It involves the Hellfire Club!



  • I am not usually a fan of flashbacks, especially when they are long and drawn out. But it was quite the fantastical adventure seeing the run that the symbiote had, from being used and abused as a genie all the way to its suffering under the grasp of Kulan Gath. The entire story almost made me feel bad and sorry for the poor guy. I almost forgot that he is actually a murderous alien intent on taking over the galaxy. But not if the Savage Avengers have anything to do with it! All in all, it was a well-written, expertly drawn origin story for our alien buddy.
  • It is refreshing to see a host like Conan, with such a deep and long history, relationship and attachment with the symbiote come to terms with a… well, symbiotic agreement. It was gruesome to catch that last panel of Conan using the symbiote as a black hammer of destruction to pulverize Iceman. That is only a taste of the true power that Conan has with such a dangerous ally in the symbiote.
  • It’s Deadpool’s 30th anniversary and he breaks any kind of fourth wall you’d imagine, declaring it himself. It’s just so inspiring to see such an offbeat character succeed and do so well in this day and age, and it warms my heart looking back at his long history through the years. Congratulations to the Marvel Comics team/family and all the people who have contributed to the Deadpool mythology for the past 30 years. The fact that an oddball character like him made it into the movies means he was destined to break through into the mainstream and become the beloved superhero that he is today.


  • The Savage Avengers perhaps need more teammates. Their group chemistry is funny and all, but maybe it is about time to add more characters to the line-up again. The fact that they are called the Avengers means that they have to do some form of assembling. It’s not much of an assembly if you only have less than a handful onboard.


Conan’s long journey to achieve glorious revenge against his magician arch-nemesis is reaching its dark and brutal climax. Now that he has the unlimited and unbound power of the symbiote, in full control, there appears nothing that can slow him down or get in his way of bloody vengeance. Things may go down a deep, dark path from here on, but it is nice to know that Conan has a buddy like Deadpool to make light of any situation and create a goofy mood when needed. I will give this adventure bonus points if the symbiote and Conan do indeed become best buddies in the end, and maybe they can work out a relationship that is beneficial for the both of them in the long-term. Stranger things have happened, and weirder and uneasy alliances have indeed been formed in the past. This one may just be a little more literal on the good ol’ classic concept of give-and-take.

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