MARCO SPEAKS SPIDEY- King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #3 Review

On a personal note, it is always a joy and wonder for me to be able to read and review these titles that showcase girl-power. The women of Marvel are strong and rolling out full-force nowadays, and I believe all readers can gather some empowerment from these glory days and Golden Age of the superhero ladies. Jane Foster takes the spotlight this week as she returns and clashes heads with Knull and his symbiote army… specifically for this war it is against a Celestial, an original victim of Knull, who is putting a block to Jane Foster’s duties. Now… she has to steal the Necrosword, turn the celestial, and save Sentry. All in a day’s work for a Valkyrie! Or is it?


King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #3

STORY BY: Jason Aaron, Torunn GrØnbekk

ART BY: Nina Vakueva

COVER BY: Mattia de Iulis, Ernanda Souza, Phil Noto, Todd Nauck


Plus, a spotlight on Dani Moonstar as the X-Man fights to save both human and mutantkind! Jane Foster is going to need all the friends and power she can muster, but Knull and his symbiote army are slaughtering at a rate that even a hundred Valkyries couldn’t match…and now Knull has some of the world’s greatest heroes on his side. Can four warriors hope to stem the tide?



  • These four women warriors are handling the high and mighty business when it comes to the ‘King in Black’ mega-event. While most of Marvel’s heroes are downstairs, fending off Knull’s waves on earth, as the last stand for the galaxy, Jane Foster and her crew are preoccupied with godly matters. But the hope and innocence of these women are what make them prime examples of what it means to be a superhero. When Dani talks about how her hope is still to convince and turn Knull, making the hive follow, we see as readers how she truly wants Knull to understand the value of human life. Her goal is simply to change one single mind, and that will put and end to all the death. This kind of optimism is something the world needs nowadays, given the high tension political and health situations.
  • The comic also raises philosophical and ethical issues like how it is the privilege of the strong to be ignorant and hard of hearing. Dani says emotionally in her monologue how Knull will not listen, to either reasoning or screams, so she asks… what is there left for them to do but fight? The Valkyries discuss how it is a wasteful battle, but at least they fight it together. There are just so many layers to this page, and so many levels of meaning to what topics are being discussed in the panels. You can compare it to current political situations, to the hardships and trials that any kind of marginalized group are suffering and enduring through… even though this is a very hardcore take on fantasy, the topics being thrown around are still highly relevant and influential in this day and age. But right now, these women are not only speaking for girls all around the world, they are representing any group or individual going through pain and dismay, joining them in their fight and embracing them warmly.


  • I have been following Sentry since the moment he was created. I have been an avid fan of the character for years. And I am still so deeply disappointed with how he is treated in the pages of Marvel, especially in major crossover events. In my eyes, he was always meant to be the strongest, most powerful character… ever. But usually in major events like this, it seems like he can’t even hurt a fly.


Jane Foster is surely going to make a lot of noise in the coming years when she takes on the mantle of the Mighty Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She will serve as an inspiration to all the new and young children, the next wave and generation of comic book fans. Books like this, which tie in with the larger Spider-Man or Venom universe, are a perfect gateway to learn more about the world above ours, and the intricacies of being a godly superhero.

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