Alford Notes: ASM #60

This cover came out a while back and anticipation has been building for what is in this issue.  Does it live up to the hype?  Read on, Crawlspacer!  Let’s figure that out together and breakdown what this all means.


Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  No Exit

Writer: Nick Spencer

Penciler:  Mark Bagley

Inkers: John Dell  and Andrew Hennessy

Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Mark Bagley, John Dell, and Nathan Fairbairn

Asst. Editor: Lindsey Cohick

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: February 24, 2021

Remedial ASM 101

Harry is Kindred and Kindred is pissed at Peter, but who cares since Kindred is now caught and confined in a cube of dark force.  Also, long ago Peter and MJ made a stupid deal with Mephisto.  Also, Dr. Strange has sneaking suspicions something is not kosher with Peter.  There.  That should bring you up to speed.


The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

MJ has Peter talk through his issues.  Mysterio is not happy with MJ’s choice not to return to LA for the movie premiere.  Dr. Strange visits Mephisto for some answers.


What Passed and Failed

PASS – MJ not going CW and getting all angsty and actually supporting Peter (like in a real relationship).

FAIL – This close up of MJ.  Come on, Bagley!

To be fair to me, I saw this image and hated it BEFORE I saw who was the artist on this book. And it does look better than that Ditko villain MJ he drew a while back, so maybe I’m being a little too harsh…

PASS – Mephisto!

PASS – Editor’s notes! – By the way, if you wish to read that issue, you can do so on Marvel Unlimited.  And if you really want to make my day, go back and read my old Cobwebs article on it.  Here are the panels side-by-side:


OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)


On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), VZZH-WHAM rates a 9.  A hyphen!  Awesome!  And it’s fun to try and make that sound of VSSH – go ahead!  Do it out loud right now with no explanation to anyone who happens to be in ear shot!  Why not a 10?  That bar was set high!



MJ’s Therapy – I like this little fleshing out about MJ and Gwen. We often focus on how Gwen’s death affected Peter, but it affected everyone around her.  Heck, go back and read Marvels.  Busiek makes the entirety of the Marvel universe revolve around that death.  This little bit about MJ dealing with it and she did further cements what Spencer has been building.  This death hit Harry, MJ, Peter, and I’m sure to some degree, Norman.  It affects them.  It molds them much like death in our lives mold us.

Peter’s Soliloquy – OK, technically speaking, he’s not alone, so it is more of a monologue, but since, for all intents and purposes, Peter forgets about MJ being around and begins to ramble to an imaginary audience, I’m ruling it a soliloquy.  Using the rules of soliloquy, I feel that we can trust that everything that is coming out of Peter right now is genuine.  Nothing is being held back.  So, what do we learn?  Nothing that we didn’t really already know.  This therapy is for Peter, not for the long-time reader.  He’s angry. He doubts himself.  He’s frustrated.  He does want to be a good friend to Harry, but he’s not and for that matter, he knows Harry isn’t either. And, in case you were in doubt, Kindred is really in Peter’s head.  We get this one part where Peter is in tears asking Harry to just “tell me what to do.”  Didn’t really like that part.  I guess it is important to set this up, but I just wasn’t into this part of the comic.  Maybe because I was too busy looking for something that wasn’t there.  Speaking of…

Peter Smash Puny Kindred!


Don’t make me angry, Kindred. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

Build Up – I kept waiting for something major to go awry.  It felt at first like MJ was acting weird, so I was suspicious that maybe Kindred had his Centipede in her, or even that this wasn’t her at all, but then it just turned out to be MJ helping.  Then, when Peter closes his eyes, the darkness that was just metaphorically shown, looked real and I thought Kindred was coming.  But that wasn’t it either.  I thought MJ was going to say she’s leaving or something.  Nope.  Then MJ has a secret person she’s meeting, possibly because she’s working for him, but that was just Mysterio.  I kept waiting for some big thing and, it was good, don’t get me wrong, but I almost felt a little let down and relieved at the same time.  Don’t know if any of you felt that was while reading this or not.  Still not sure if I like that or not.

Mysterio – So I guess Mysterio knows Peter is Spider-Man?  Did I miss something?  I mean, I know he’s working with Kindred, but I didn’t think he knew, but he was there and MJ knew it and still let Peter pull out his mask and change into Spider-Man before running out the door of the theater, so…  Plus, Mysterio knows more about Harry and the way this is set up let’s us know that the way Harry became Kindred is not only important, but Mysterio knows it.  It kind of felt like he was brought in early and then just forgotten about.  Why has Kindred bothered to pull Mysterio back from hell?  Surely it was not to just get MJ out of the picture for a few issues.

Mephisto – Well, I knew that Spencer was suggesting it strongly, but come on, who here ever actually thought we’d see a panel like this from Marvel?  I’m taking your thoughts on this – how do you think this will play out?  Just because Dr. Strange has pieced some of this together doesn’t mean that Mephisto will tell the truth.  He is a devil, after all.

Extra Credit

Hurrah and Huzzah to our very own Evan Berry!  His centipede name won the day!  Crazy Town and Banana Pants!  Evan, we are all very proud of you!  I’m sure you’ll be celebrating tonight, but remember to stay safe!  I’ll get that letter out to the Spidey Offices right away!


Final Grade

I’m sure I’ll be an outlier here, but I just didn’t dig this issue.  I didn’t hate it and I am glad to see some movement is going in this Kindred story, but it just feels so glacial.  I don’t need a fast resolution, but I want some action here.  I liked the Mephisto at the end (which bumped it up a grade for me), but even that felt dragged out with the extended reveal, though it was only a few panels. So to answer the question I opened with – the hype was bigger than the result.


Your Turn

I am really excited to see what grade you guys gave it.  Make me see the light and show me that I was wrong to go so low.

What grade do YOU give it?

ASM #60 - What is YOUR Grade?


What’s Next?


Peter Parker gets a new job!

Spidey gets a new look!

And Kingpin’s plans start coming together!


I don’t know.  Looks promising to me!


Nick Lowe has asked people to let the Spider office know how they are doing by sending an email to and to make sure you mark it “OK to print”.  If you get published, make sure to draw our attention to it!




‘Nuff Said!

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  1. Ooof…life and soul some of you are, all this doom and gloom about “final break ups” and “evil looking MJ” takes on the artwork. Has Marvel conditioned you to be this cynical? lol…no, no I’m kidding, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but I reckon Spencer’s whole run is about Peter facing consequences, and then, with the help of MJ, ultimately rising above them. It’s true another writer could give them some drama later, but somehow I think Marvel will carefully select a talent that wants to grow our favourite couple rather than shatter them.

    I’ve noticed a pattern lately of Marvel books teasing harsher outcomes for their heroes, but ultimately with patience you find the twists are a lot of hot air and characters and their relationships usually come out generally unscathed. Is that setting up for a bigger fall to come? Perhaps, but I don’t think we have much to fear from this run. Issue 60 had all the potential in the world to live up to our worst fears and instead told us Nick has our backs with Pete and MJ.

    Anyhow, this issue was affirming, wholesome, expertly illustrated and the writing provides great insight into Peter’s frustrations with the meta cycle that has condemned so many heroes, including himself, to endless repetition without any concrete destination.

    MJ’s association with Mysterio is made perfectly clear in her six issue mini-series (of which you’re best only reading five of those six issues because you’d have more questions after the sixth) and it’s clear that she’s not up to any underhandedness, she is in control of the situation with Peter and is looking out for his best interests first.

    And lastly, yes, Mysterio does know who Peter is and has known since 2010’s Spider-Men crossover, it’s just not brought up all that much. Mephisto has a more confounding continuity going on right now.

    Good review, good thoughts, have a good day everyone.

  2. @Mark, @Aqu- I’m wondering if, as weird as it sounds, it was the centipede that sent the text to MJ saying that Carlie would be out of town.

  3. @Mark: I have nothing in particular to say about Carlie disappearance. She may have been kidnapped by Kindred or she may have fled for whatever reason (unlikely). I agree she very probably isn’t dead. The interesting thing is how MJ got the info: a text. So, to answer your question as to what was the centipede doing in that panel? Writing a text to MJ.

  4. @Chi-Town and @Evan Berry

    Chi-Town – I wAs ExPeCtInG mEpHiStO tO aPpEaR. Wait, you agreed with me on something? Well, now I change my mind. I’m a huge Bagley fan! Always have been! Wish he could draw EVERY issue! So issue 100 for the end of this. Yeah, that might be accurate.

    Evan – Ha! My mind didn’t even go there. I bet Hornacek will drop his monocle in his martini again. Just send any dry cleaning bills to Brad care of Crawlspace. He’ll take care of it, I’m sure. Well you deserve all accolades and honors for your centipede victory. We are sending you an official no-certificate in the mail. Should be arriving any day now. You were shocked by Mephisto making an appearance, I was shocked by Mephisto making an appearance, but apparently Chi-Town was planning it all along (like Agatha).

  5. @Mark — First, I have to say I read the line “maybe Kindred had his Centipede in her” and nearly spit out my coffee. Please don’t do that.

    Oh my goodness — I actually won! I hope it’s because you all liked my names and not that you voted for them specifically because I asked you not to. Mark, if they finally print your letter, it’ll be wonderful to share that honor with you. I have a good feeling about this one this time. I don’t win things very often, so I’m not sure how to celebrate. Yay! Thank you so much — I feel really special.

    By the way, I, too, was expecting some sort of “catch” when Peter was soliloquizing — so I was really surprised when nothing happened. Also, I suppose having Mysterio present is a way to address the events of Amazing Mary Jane since that series ended — at least the ones that will have repercussions for Peter, I suppose.

    It’s amazing how we, as readers, can have a fair certainty that One More Day was going to be addressed — but to actually see Mephisto make an appearance was something I was not prepared for. I can’t help but wonder it was timed to coincide with events in WandaVision. Maybe there will be a clue in today’s episode. At any rate, I suspect you’re right, and Dr. Strange’s meeting with him may go unaddressed for a while, but I’m okay with that, since Spencer has proven himself adept at tying up loose ends — his own and others’.

    Great review!

  6. “Well, I knew that Spencer was suggesting it strongly, but come on, who here ever actually thought we’d see a panel like this from Marvel?”

    *raises hand* We’ve already seen some of it in Spider-Man/Deadpool and the internet went crazy on that non-canon team up. So now Spencer comes in and Marvel gave the okay. I like how Spencer is fixing this. Have to agree with you on the artwork. I’m guessing by issue 100 the spell is broken and Peter/MJ remember what used to be.

  7. @Michael, @AdamBParker, and @Aqu@

    Michael – I think we can safely assume that anything Mephisto says will be partly true, but with a key misleading or outright falsehood. Mephisto’s name is a play on Mephistopheles, from Faust, and it means “scatterer of lies”, so maybe the key to this is to figure out, not Kindred’s end game, but Mephisto’s end game. What does he want from this? Kindred, to him, will just be a pawn, a means to an end. This whole deal with Peter may have been an elaborate plot to entrap Dr. Strange or something.

    AdamBParker – Lackluster – I agree with that. The whole thing between MJ and Mysterio makes a lot more sense if you’ve read the MJ series. If you have Marvel Unlimited, give it a read. If not, get it. If not that, read Chi-Town’s reviews on that. I know reading his prose is akin to getting a root canal on the enjoyment scale, but sometimes we need to just take one for the greater good. As for the soliloquy, maybe I was looking for that great epiphany that never came as well. I’ve got the t-shirt order ready, but I’ll hold off on sending it to the printers just yet (do you want a dark blue, charcoal gray, or midnight black background?). I do not believe that they will reboot Peter to match the movies. I remember reading somewhere that amazingly enough, movie success does not equal comic book sales. There may be a small bump if the comic has the same villain as the current movie, but no lasting impact. I think Spencer is going to make Peter deal with the consequences and not get a fix to them. But we’ll see soon enough!

    Aqu@ – Carlie! I meant to mention her. So MJ gets a frantic voicemail and is just, “Oh well, she had to go out of town. Sure hope everything’s ok! Strange that she never got back to me about those bodies. What a loser friend! Oh well.” So Carlie said she had to go out of town. To Paris, maybe? I think we can assume she did not die from the centipede, since no one found a body or signs of violence (surely we would have been privy to important information like that). What are your thoughts on Carlie’s disappearance?

  8. @Geoff & @Sthenurus,

    Geoff – Right you are, sir! Bonus points for you! I should have remembered that!

    Sthenurus – ” I was looking forward to your review!” I like the past tense “was” as in “I was… until I read it…” 🙂 Spencer has been circling this for quite a while now and the appearance of Mephisto in this arc is crossing the Rubicon. If any of us thought that maybe it wouldn’t be addressed, this is a clear message that it will be. Now, HOW it will be addressed is still there. I still don’t believe everything is going to be reset. Spencer likes making Peter pay the consequences of his actions. I am hopeful that MJ’s constant sticking by Peter during this means that they will face the horrible consequences of their actions together. With a different writer, I think they might would use it to bring more drama and angst ultimately ending in a “final” breakup. To me, the best case scenario is that they address it and move forward and start rebuilding the relationship.

  9. I really liked this issue. We felt the Kindred story ended abruptly and asked for a resolution, Spencer gave us a resolution of sorts, at least for the short term. I could say it was almost cathartic (for Peter and us both).
    Also, Mark, you missed the most important detail: we got some clues to what happened to Carlie!

    Good catch! I was trying to remember when did Mysterio learn his identity, but you’re right, the most recent one is probably Spider-Men. And yeah, considering Peter and Miles conversations I read somewhere, it should still be in continuity.
    As for the identity reveal, I think it was never clearly stated if Mysterio remembered it, but it was speculated that he forgot with his repositioning in the Prime Universe.
    It’s a lot like Kingpin: Family Business is in continuity, but does he remember?

  10. Bit of a lacklustre one for me. I didn’t read the MJ series; so found the Mysterio reveal to be very jarring. Are they friends now? Not sure how I feel about it. Made me a little uncomfortable that MJ is having secret meeting with a known supervillain. Also a little too similar to Norah Winters and the Chameleon. And Randy and the Beetle. Carlie and Overdrive. Aunt May and Mr. Negative. Jonah and…phew at least Jonah’s not buddying up with any of the rogues gallery.

    I gave the issue a C-. If I compare to similar issues like The Conversation or any of the Ultimate issues that focus on one character talking; then this didn’t measure up. We’ve learned nothing new. Peter didn’t really say anything he’s not said since Sins Rising started. He’s angry, confused, losing himself in Spider-man, doesn’t know what Harry wants. I was hoping for an epiphany, but instead it felt like Peter just shrugged and felt better.

    I’m working on a theory about how this all plays out. Nick Spencer’s OMD-redux will end in December/January. Around the time the new Spider-man movie comes out. The story in the comics will resolve the deal while the movie will start its own version of OMD. If Mephisto is introduced in WandaVision I will be convinced this is happening and that No Way Home involves Peter making a deal with Mephisto to get his secret identity back. OMD, despite being hated by us, will be given legitimacy by the MCU.

    I also believe we’re moving towards a worse outcome than OMD. I think the only way for Dr. Strange to save Peter’s soul is to return him to saved point in time before he was married in the first place. To save Peter’s soul Dr. Strange will reboot Peter to a teenager, his innocence years and then the movies and the comics will have what their corporate overlords crave. Synergy.

    It explains why Nick Spencer has been dragging this story out for over 60 issues. The glacial pace. He has been given an end-date by Disney and he’s got to dance around until they are ready in the movies. Probably (hopefully) wrong but fun to speculate. Don’t send the Adam was Right t-shirts to the printer just yet.

  11. One interesting thing about Strange’s meeting with Mephisto- Mephisto claims he never heard of Kindred and even if he had, he doesn’t keep track of his “former employees”. Is he telling the truth? I mean, Harry’s new powers seem to be the monkey’s paw in the OMD deal. But did Mephisto just give Harry black-magic powers figuring that Harry was such a loser he’d probably use them for evil at some point or is Harry actually working for Mephisto?

  12. As usual, I was looking forward to your review!

    I agree with the glacial pace of the arc, but I LOVED this issue. The relationship between Pete and MJ, the soliloquy, and of course strange confronting Mephisto. I finally believe that marvel will retcon the retcon. That bit about “no marriage, no kid, I’m a loser” especially made me go YES!!! and then strange… No way they are going nowhere with this.

    Ps: I’m bummed I didn’t get the win. Sigh.

  13. Hey, Dark Mark.I love the review! I might be wrong here but didnt Mysterio know Peter’s Identity in Spider-men when he traveled to the Ultimate Universe? I thought that’s why Bendis had him stay in the Ultimate Universe before Secret Wars happened. Is Spider-men still in continuity?

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