The Chi-Town Breakdown: ASM 52.LR

(Writer) Nick Spencer
(C0-Writer) Mathew Rosenberg
(Artist) Federico Vicentini
(Editor) Nick Lowe
(EIC) C.B. Cebulski
Date Released 11/11/2020
Issue Number #52.LR
Price Tag: $3.99


Story Time: Mary Jane wakes up at Ravencroft because Norman Osborn brought her there to keep her safe.  Eww.  She’s no fool and decks Norman across the face with a lamp and makes her escape only to stopped in her tracks when Norman mentions Harry’s name.  Dr. Kafka enters the room and informs Mary Jane that Norman is indeed cleansed from all his sins and MJ only stays around when Norman informs her that she is the key to saving Peter’s life.  Sin-Eater goes fishing for Morlun, by using the formula used in the Spider-Island arc to turn the rest of his followers into giant spiders as bait.  Web of Order are not demonic anymore and team up with Dr. Strange and Black Cat.  With Black Cat guarding the Hand of Vishanti at Dr. Strange’s crib while the rest of the team head to the astral plane only to be observed from the shadows by what looks like to be Astral Plane Mary Jane.

The Breakdown

  • MJ is the key to salvation. 
  • Dr. Strange and his Amazing Friends.
  • “That” story vibes
  • Final Thoughts
  • Nitpicks
  • Grade

MJ is the key to salvation:  How great is it to see Mary Jane back in ASM?!  We missed her when AMJ was “canceled” due to Covid, but to have her back in Peter’s world is a breath of fresh air and that’s what Peter and frankly the reader needs right now.  Spencer hasn’t turned away from what he set up from issue one!  In order for Peter to be Spider-Man and to do it right, he needs MJ.  She is the key to saving Peter in hopes to reaching out to Kindred who is Harry Osborn.  Still unclear on which Harry, Kindred is.  Harry Lyman that is alive right now living with his family or Harry Osborn PRE-OMD.  Norman Osborn is keeping that useful piece of information well kept due to the “shortness of time.”.  My theory is that Harry Lyman is a clone that Norman made to obtain the son he always wanted after Harry died in ASM 200, forgetting that maybe this clone would grown a spine and tell him to screw himself.  So now the real Harry wants vengeance.  In a way, that could be why Harry calls himself Kindred.  Peter was cloned (Ben) and now Harry was cloned.  Something those two have in common.  Fact of the matter is, Mary Jane has a strong rich history with both men.  She loves and adores Peter, always has and always will and cares for Harry very much.  Norman understands this and being “cleansed”, MJ is the best bet to end this madness.  Spencer understands that she could be the one that reaches out to Harry and in doing so, save the man she loves, Peter.

Dr. Strange and his Amazing Friends:  The Web of Order are not longer demonic thanks to ANOTHER DEAL Peter made.  You are going to have to read Dark Mark’s review for that key piece of information.  Dr Strange did call it, if only Peter had listened to him, none of this would have happened.  One could argue that if Strange did “foresee” this happening, he would have planned a better defensive plan, but we are.  We are dealing with demonic forces, astral plane hoping, and magic.  Right in Dr Strange’s territory and the Web of Order is like a key to open the door to follow Peter to where he went in order to save him.  You also gotta give Spencer props for keeping Felicia Hardy in character.  It’s so rich and strong.  She’s not giving up on Peter and values their friendship more than anything.  She understands that she’s not “the girl” for Peter, which explains her “dislike” for redheads, but she still values their friendship because she knows that Peter does the same.  Good characterization since she’s been put through the wringer of betrayal and lies, good to see that there is one person she can always count on.  I want to know more about what Strange knows.  There have been a lot of references to “that” particular story and not enough subtext.  I believe he knows a bit more that what he’s leading on and with the combined force of Madam Web you can almost guarantee that “that” particular story is going to coming up.

“That” story vibes:  Yes “that” dreaded story, One More Day.  It’s a good bet that Last Remains is going to tie up all the Kindred story and possibly “fix” One More Day.  Spencer even penned a comic called “The Fix” so it’s fitting if you think about it, in a karma sense.  If it is officially addressed and “corrected” in a sense, best believe it won’t be an easy fix.  There’s plenty of stories Spencer could be lining up after this.  Peter wants to propose to Mary Jane, however stuff keeps getting in the way.  If they come to the realization that they were once married, I do believe Spencer will have some fun story telling with that.  Mary Jane at the end of the book in a spider-pose and seems to be wearing the same attire that she wore in OMD.  However, maybe it’s not MJ or rather Annie, the little girl from OMD all grown up.  Hard to tell since there are glowing eyes involved.  I WILL NOT go back to OMD and research that story to make sure I got the child’s name right, because as big as a Spider-Man fan that I am it’s not worth revisiting “THAT” story.  YUCK!  I have said it though, to fix a problem you need to address it and I think that is what Spencer is doing.

Final Thoughts:  I’ll say this for Spencer, I haven’t been this excited to pick up the next issues since when JMS started.  I’m glad Spencer is a fan of JMS and is penning off that playbook.  We’ve had two comics in one day with major cliffhangers that make you WANT to see what happens next NOW!  That being said, we need to pick up the pace.  Due to Covid we had to wait a couple of months before Marvel comics came back and if COVID didn’t happen we would already known the outcome.  Smart of Marvel to release two books in one day, but I don’t believe that is enough.  It won’t happen, but I wouldn’t mind 53 and 53LR to come out next week.  Gotta give props to Mathew Rosenberg and the artwork of Federico Vicentini.  Both very much welcomed in this spin off book which I believe is REQUIRED READING.  Mark may disagree with me, but what else is new?  Still a good comic that has a lot of content and makes you excited to see what comes next.


  • Sin-Eater doesn’t need to be here and neither does Morlun.  My hope, the kill each other off.  Stan does gotta realize that he doesn’t have the power anymore.  Also goes to show you that Cult of Sin followers are just people that want an excuse to cause destruction.  Now they are giant spiders that will be eaten pretty soon, so I’m good with that.  

  • Both Strange and Norman can’t explain what’s going on because “not enough time.”.  That’s an ache that I have.  Key things the fans want to know but you need to keep reading in order to find out.  I get it, and that’s why I consider it required reading, but it’s getting old really fast and that pitch will fizzle out quickly if you are not careful. 


Grade: A-  



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  1. While I don’t like the Order of the Web (ugh) being in this story, I did enjoy it when they “became themselves” again and didn’t know what was going on. Anything that makes them look ridiculous and being out of the loop, I am ok with.

  2. Thanks for another great review, Peter!

    I 100% agree with you on how I haven’t felt more compelled to pick up ASM since the JMS years. It’s a traffic hazard, frankly. Like, “wait until you’re home to read the book, John!” Oi..

    Regarding your nitpick, Spencer is known for juggling a lot of seemingly unrelated plot points and then tying them together in his big stories, so I’m sure he’s going somewhere with Sin-Eater v. Morlun. And I am just honestly glad to see someone handle Morlun who’s demonstrated such love for JMS’ time on the book (although I thought the SPEC tie-ins to “Spider-Geddon” felt a helluva lot more like classic Morlun than “Spider-Verse”)

    Down with OMD! Viva Crawlspace!!

  3. @xonathan and Chi-Town — I don’t recall the child being named, either. Assuming it’s that same child making an appearance at the end of 52.LR, and if that woman refers to herself as Spiderling, I suppose that means she’s the same Annie (maybe) as in Renew Your Vows. But then, even if she were the same person, it seems to me unlikely that she’d maintain that nom de guerre as an adult. I’m hoping that this isn’t an alternate Annie from Renew Your Vows at all, — though I wonder if Dan Slott had the OMD child in mind when he wrote that series.

  4. I don’t recall MJ being in the astral plane during OMD, but “Annie” sure was. From what I remember the little girl was not named in that horrid story.

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