Panel(s) of the Day #999 (Caturday!)

‘Nuff said!

Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #113

Published: c. April, 1994?
Cover Date: June, 1994

“Live and Let Die, Part 1: Darkness Descends”
Writer: Terry Kavanaugh
Artist: Alex Saviuk
Inker: Stephen Baskerville and Al Milgrom
Letterer: Steve Dutro, Loretta Krol, and Jon Babcock
Colorist: Bob Sharen

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  1. Nothing is worse than the one with the gold shoulder pads costume (with the gold from the Beyonder-notebook).

  2. Boy, that was a really ugly costume. Even worse than the mid 80s leather jacket with shoulder pads look.

  3. All those ruffles have to be a fighting hazard. I’m imaging Edna Mode to show up with a video of various heroes getting similarly-sized ruffles caught in doors, vises, etc, saying “No ruffles!”

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