Nope, it’s not April Fools Day! The Hollywood Reporter is claiming that Jamie Foxx is in negotiations to reprise the role of Electro for the next Spider-Man film. If this pans out to be true, this would make Foxx the second actor to carry over from a previous Marvel movie role into the MCU, the first being JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson. Could Dafoe and Molina be far behind (this writer certainly hopes so!)? What do you think about this astounding development? Sound off in the comments below!

@Franz29 — Stark Tank sounds like a television show where prospective business ventures vie for investment by Tony.
@Evan Berry
Yeah, it reminded me of Storm’s line to Toad in “X-Men” about toads and lightning.
Stark created a more efficient energy source (the Arc Reactor) and put Dillon Electronics out of business. Cue the revenge. Hahaha!
Or that!
@André L. Santana
Sounds like Foxx’s Electro was something that Kevin Feige actually enjoyed according to those leaked Sony emails from several years ago. That would be my main guess as to why.
@William Sinclair
So with Foxx, we have half of the classic Sinister Six (four if you count Mysterio’s Sandman illusion); I gotta wonder who the last two members will be. I’m hoping for a Spider-Man and the Avengers vs the Sinister Six film, since we all know that the Sinister Six is something Sony has been wanting for a long time.
I also agree with you on Dafoe’s Norman as far as it being so definitive. If he comes back with a more comic accurate costume, it’s gonna be insanely cool! As much as I enjoyed Molina as Doc Ock, the tentacles making him evil bit didn’t make as big an impression on me, though, when he was being a jerk, like the bank robbery and train battle, that stuff was insanely cool, for me at least.
A bit weird that this is happening, but honestly, if they’re going to give him a totally different characterisation and design this time, I think I’m on-board with it, Jamie Foxx is a great actor, and I’m kind of hyped to see him in a Spidey movie that won’t totally suck. Electro is on the higher-end of the B-tier rogues that the MCU films seem dedicated to adapting as well, so he’s a good choice for the villain of the next movie.
To me, Dafoe is kind of the definitive Norman in the same way that JK Simmons is the definitive Jonah, so I would love for him to show up in the MCU. Molina would be interesting, though seeing him play a version of Doc Ock closer to the comics would be a bit weird for me, since his very different take made a real impression.
Display of territorialism? As if Sony wants so badly to claim Spider-Man IP and everything else related as theirs and not Marvel Studios’ – to the point of inserting a previous “Sony Villain”?
Or just to the point of desperation that they’ve run out of ideas again and are already planning a Sinister Six movie?
If we extrapolate, Sony might be involuntarily creating their own Crisis on Infinite Earths
@hornacek – They were testing the eels and enclosures for Stark Industries over at Oscorp don’tcha know? It’s all his fault for sub standard Stark tanks and Stark wiring…
I can’t wait to see how the MCU writers have Electro want to get revenge against his enemy, the late Tony Stark.
I saw Amazing Spider-man 2 once (in theaters), and I was very disappointed. I just remember hearing Jamie Foxx say “Don’t you know? I’m Electro!” and wondering how on earth no one involved with making the movie stopped that line from being filmed. I like Jamie Foxx, but he always makes me think of Wanda from In Living Color, so it’s hard for me to take him seriously, no matter what dramatic role he has.
@Andrew C
I’d be cooler with it if I didn’t hate the Webb films, and if they cast Foxx as someone else. I didn’t find Foxx’s take on the character iconic enough to warrant his return as Electro, not like I did with Jk Simmons/JJJ. But, I’m willing to give him another shot.
@Joshua Nelson
This is just speculation on my part, but my guess is that they wanted him for the name/star power. My other theory is that Sony had some kind of deal with him made to reprise the role, possibly in that Sinister Six film that failed to take off.
…but why though?
Do not want.
@Jack Brooks
If they brought Dafoe back, I hope they give him an actual mask like in the test footage, not a Power Rangers helmet.
Count yourself as lucky for not seeing ASM2. As for Dillon’s character in the film, did you ever see “Batman Forever”? Without saying too much, basically take the Riddler from that movie and give him electrical powers.
That’s true, I forgot that. Maybe they can do a better job at the character, or use him better. I’ve never seen ASM 2, I gather Max Dillon was depicted as a quirky nerd with mommy issues.
@ Jack Brooks
Doc Ock and Green Goblin could totally still be alive in the MCU; it’s a different universe compared to the Raimiverse, you know? I missed that Kraven cameo, so I definitely need to go back and look for that! Thanks for pointing that out.
@Thomas Mets
I just hope they give his Electro a more comic accurate costume this time around. Thankfully, the MCU seems more open to costumes closely resembling the comic when you compare their characters to the Sony and Fox films of years past.
Well, Molina’s Ock and Dafoe’s Goblin are both very dead. But it’s interesting that the MCU might be trying to migrate characters over. Kraven made an appearance (o0n a TV in Jonah’s office) in the first Raimi movie, too.
This is probably the last casting choice I expected.
I guess Marvel’s really into redeeming good actors in crappy adaptations (see Human Torches Chris Evans and Michael B. Jordan in the MCU) although I didn’t think they would bring back Jamie Foxx.
It makes a bit of sense in that the problems with the movie Electro were not with Foxx, but the script he was given. If there hadn’t ever been an Amazing Spider-Man 2, Jamie Foxx would be seen as a good choice for the role.
There is also the hope it paves the way for a live-action Spider-Verse.
I feel like Molina Ock would fit the dark parallel of what Peter could have become if not for the positive influences in his life; I would just hope that this time they just make his Doc Ock a smug jerk, rather than “the tentacles made me do it”.
Good God, NO! Terrible idea.
And much as I loved Molina, I don’t think he’d fit with the Holland Spider-Man.