Alford Notes: ASM #51 – Last Remains part 2

Alright, Crawlspacers, you’ve waited patiently (and some not so patiently) for some meat to this Kindred story and Spencer has heard you!  This issue is packed with good stuff to break apart and think about what it might mean, so why are we wasting time reading an introduction?  Let’s get going!


Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  Last Remains part 2

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Patrick Gleason

Colorist: Edgar Delgado

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Patrick Gleason and Edgar Delgado

Asst. Editor: Tom Groneman and Lindsey Cohick

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: October 28, 2020

Remedial ASM 101

Somehow Harry Osborn is back from the dead as Kindred (identity still not known to Peter) and he is enacting his evil machinations.  All of the Sin-Eater’s sins (including Norman Osborn’s) are now possessing the Order of the Web (pretty much all spider heroes) and they are out to do, well, we don’t know, but Silk is out to put a hurting on Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, who Spidey has gone to for help.

The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

Silk is wiping the floor with Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, or rather Kindred is through Silk’s body.  Finally, Dr. Strange remembers that he is the MASTER of the mystic arts and puts a stop to all of this Tomfoolery.  Then Kindred gets all angsty because Peter didn’t tell Strange who he was.  Kindred wants Peter to confess and then Strange blows up Silk (she got better).


What Passed and Failed

PASS – This art nod to Ditko by making Spidey squint with his mask and the web pits. Web pits!  I can only assume that the good doctor must have whipped him up some new duds and went old school with them.  Thanks, Doc!

FAIL – Delgado’s signature on the cover.  What’s up with that?  It’s just typed in.  Looks like an image watermark!

PASS – Caption box!  Yes, a rare Nick Lowe caption box sighted in the wild.  I can only assume he was watching when Cohick put one in last issue and was like, “Those new-fangled things are pretty cool!  I think I’ll try one!”

By the way, if you are like, “Whoa!  If NICK LOWE thought this issue was so important he needed to actually reference it, then I just have to read it!” then let me help you by giving you the Marvel Unlimited link.

FAIL – OK, it’s minor, but Black Cat recorded Dr. Strange’s incantation to send Peter to the astral plane, but he never finished it (or else Spidey would have been sent there back in Strange’s house).  So… how does that work?  Oh well, I don’t really care.  We got what we needed from Strange without Strange tagging along trying to steal Spidey’s thunder.

PASS – This is a Spidey-centric book!  It’s always a peeve of ours here at the Crawlspace if the book is about someone else (with the possible exception of Gog, apparently), so it is nice that Spencer is shuffling the others into the .LR books.

OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)

Another noisy issue!  I know Evan was happy!

On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), FWASH rates an 8.   It’s fun to say (go ahead and say it out loud!) and I like it when the onomatopoeias look like part of the image!  FWASH!


Dr. Strange – I’d like to take a moment to share this with you about Dr. Strange in a Spider-Man comic:

I, personally, am not a huge fan of Dr. Strange, but I don’t mind his appearance occasionally.  This particular appearance had a few flaws, but all in all, I thought it was a rather good pairing.   Peter needs to get into the dreamscape. This is not something he can do on his own.  It is, however, something he has done before and he knows that Dr. Strange can do it. This is not Dr. Strange coming in and high jacking the book away from our hero.  This is Peter living in this shared universe and making the most of his connections in it.

I’m went from being rather meh to Dr. Strange’s involvement to being rather intrigued at the ripple effects of this.  The general hero community is a bit down on Spidey right now and this situation will not make it better.  Spider-Man brought demons to Strange’s house and then stole the Hand of Vishanti.  You know Strange is going to be pissed about that.  Spencer also doesn’t like to let things just go, so eventually, there has to be some fall out from this move.

On top of that, Strange goes from being understanding to a bit of an ominous* prick.

Rightly so, mind you, but still.  And he gets oh so sanctimonious about Peter having done something, which we can only assume is the deal with Mephisto.  Rather hypocritically seeing how I just read not too long ago on Marvel Unlimited that Strange himself made a deal to get his hands back in surgical condition.  But people are hypocrites in life, so it works.  Rather than trying to figure out if Peter would have had a good reason to do this, he just gets all judgey.

Mephisto – More flirting here with the “arrangement” made with Mephisto.  Of course, it could be pretty much anything, but I think Spencer has made it very clear that he isn’t trying to mislead when he drops hints, rather he just wants to get us excited for it.  There will be a reckoning for this deal.  It is too much an out-of-character and irresponsible moment for Spencer to leave out there undealt with.

As much as we want to see that dealt with, there may be more to this statement than just that.  Dr. Strange is very concerned here and refuses to send Peter to the astral plane (or whatever mystical place) because of this possible devil-deal.  Which means, since Spidey goes there anyway, there could be all sorts of badness that could result.

Time – in the comic that Nick Lowe referenced, time moving differently was a big part of the story.  Peter needed to get back in time to meet Mary Jane, who was separated from him at the time.  She had just flown in for the night and this was his chance to tell her how he really felt about her, but even though he finished up, saved all the people, and got out in plenty of time, he didn’t reappear in reality until a day later, making him miss her completely.  Hmmm…. I wonder if that is a bit of foreshadowing of what will happen here.

Black Cat – I liked Peter swinging by her house first to get her to help him out.  I wouldn’t mind an .LR on her perspective of how that all went down, but as she said,

And if you want to read when she did that, I’ve got you covered! Just go here and read it.  I’ve been reading the run on Marvel Unlimited and I’ve enjoyed it!

The Dreamscape – He’s been here once before, in Amazing Spider-Man #46.  No, not the one a few months ago, but the one from 2002. In it, Dr. Strange pulls him into Peter’s dreamscape so that they could access the astral plane.  It looks similar to this, but without all the people, which all looked like Mary Jane.

By the way, thanks to Symbiobro and Andre Santana for leading me back to this picture.

So if you were worried that the Morlun picture saying, “I’ll be back” is a reference to an upcoming story with Morlun, that is not necessarily the case.  Although, Spencer does like him some JMS, so who knows?

The Shvartze Katze is an obvious Black Cat reference, but Google Translate doesn’t seem to recognize the word Shvartze.  It just translates it as Schwartz, which is nice also.** I only include this because a spent way too long diving down rabbit holes looking into this stuff.

Back to the story at hand, you can see that the dreamscape has all the familiar signs, but is deserted and in ruins.  There is so meaning there and I would love to hear your take on it.  I just can’t put my finger on exactly what it might mean except that maybe this time it’s messed up because this is post-OMD and this dreamscape is tainted by the other reality.  Remember Mephisto didn’t just change time, he merged earth-81545 into 616 in order to make the change.

EPIPHANY! Could Kindred be 616 Harry and Harry Lyman by 81545 Harry?

Mary Jane – So… We get dream MJ saying this:

Which makes me feel like the characters in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy where they know the answer (42) but they didn’t get the question.  I think it might be her answer to him wanting to propose to her.  Of course, I’m sure I missed something and one of you is going to say, “No, ignoramus,*** it is this (insert thing) that happened in (insert issue) and you should have remembered it!”

~~EDIT~~ Thanks to Michael who pointed out this is MJ’s answer in response to Mephisto’s deal in Amazing Spider-Man #545:

So a little reminder that MJ was the first to say yes to the deal.  I think this is letting us know that this is a deal they will BOTH have to reckon with.  Thanks Michael!  I truly am an ignoramus!


So question – Peter goes into the dreamscape, he gets sucked underground and crawls out of a grave.  Is he still in the astral plane?  Was Neil right in that Kindred’s base in otherworldly?  We know Kindred can be in the physical world, but it makes sense that these corpses at the dinner table would be astral corpses rather than their actual corpses.  I don’t know.  Help me out here, guys.

Speaking of the corpses, I am not ever going to embarrass myself trying to figure out who is there (thought he corpse on the right totally has Hitler’s hair).



It’s clear that Spencer loves JMS and quite a bit of this issue reflects that.  You know who else loves JMS?  My friend and yours, fellow Crawlspacer Andre Santana.  Required reading before ASM #52 is the Weblines column where Andres takes apart JMS’s run piece by piece.

Extra Credit

Two things about this image – 1. These are Nordic runes.  I looked up on Norse Mythology for Smart People**** what they meant, but they don’t seem to make any real sense.  I thought we might get a secret code here, but alas, if one is there, it will take a bit more than the little bit of effort I put into it.  Extra credit to anyone who can figure out a particular meaning to the runes used here.  2. It appears that Dr. Strange, despite getting his hands back in his deal with the devil, suffers from trigger finger, which usually affects the ring finger.  He seems to have it in both hands, which is rather unfortunate.  He should look into an oval 8 split.


Final Grade

I enjoyed it!  It was a nicely paced story and we got some stuff happening!  I like it when stuff happens! Also, it was better on the second read, which is always a bonus.



Your Turn

What grade do YOU give it?

ASM #51 - What is YOUR Grade?


What’s Next?


By the way, demon Miles on the cover of #50.LR looks cool!


Nick Lowe has asked people to let the Spider office know how they are doing by sending an email to and to make sure you mark it “OK to print”.  If you get published, make sure to draw our attention to it!


* Neil, ‘ominous’ means threatening.

** May the Schwartz be with you too.

*** If you are going to call me a name, that’s a good one to use, by the way.

**** Guaranteed that this is a site Chi-Town never visited.


‘Nuff Said!

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  1. @AdamBParker- The fact Marvel continued to promote the Spider-Marriage in some universes long after OMD did it’s damage proves you wrong on that front. Marvel will make money anyway it can, and if demand is still high for Peter and MJ being together, and they see the bottom line, they will push for something to represent it for the fans if they can help it. I respect your opinion, but I cannot agree with it. I will never give in and accept what Marvel wants me to accept, and I am confident we will still get marriage or relationship content in the future long after whatever comes next does some damage

    @Sthenurus- I apologise if I my response to you was strongly worded, but I believe rather passionately in Peter and MJ’s relationship and Quesada himself once indicated in interviews that divorcing the two would be an act of surrender rather than an admission of responsibility. I just feel fans are being conditioned to accept Marvel’s ways rather than stick to their own preferences and beliefs, which are altogether far, far stronger and have helped sustain their interest for this product long after it came to the end of a believable life span in the hope that something can salvage it.

    I also believe Spider-Girl is the natural end point btw

  2. That was a stab by Brevoort to delete Mephisto out of ASM, I think. The fatal flaw was that, if Mephisto was never involved in the first place (because of time shenanigans) then there would be no in-story reason for Peter and MJ not to marry again. Then the story they created was SO bad that it went off like a bomb. The brass refused to accept that Peter and MJ had become one of those “fixed points” that DR WHO likes to talk about — Abbott and Costello, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Popeye and Olive Oyl. They wanted a Peter Parker who could sleep around, which was equally ick. There is a cadre of people who cling to the idea that the Spider-Marriage “ruined” the book, even though the book made money hand-over-fist during those years. But George Berryman, Brad, and JR could tell you — those Marvel guys (Brevoort, Quesada, Wacker, and then Slott as the last of that old guard) were intensely impervious to facts like sales figures and fan feedback. They all got really mad that the blowback was so harsh, and dug in their heels.

  3. @Everybody – I think it is safe to say that we are all true Spider-Man favs or what we weird be spending time on commenting on a site called Spider-Man Crawlspace! I think we can also agree that a good writer can make almost anything work. The deal with Mephisto was poorly done and the stories that followed after aren’t exactly being put on the top ten lists of greatest Spidey stories Give me Peter married, widowed, divorced, rich, poor, successful, down on his luck, in space, in the streets, ANYTHING as long as it is written well. A good writer will make me interested and make it make sense.

    Did they really say that deal never happened because time was rewritten? Really? Geez.

  4. I’m Peter and MJ all the way. I got into Spider-Man as an 8 year old and was reading stories about a married couple grieving their unborn child so I don’t accept that Peter has to be young in comics to be interesting to young people.

    That being said, after 12 years I’ve come to accept that from a business standpoint OMD had to happen. The OMD/BND writers dropped the ball because they didn’t tell interesting stories that required a single Peter. And the overall editorial position was flawed by forcing a Peter and MJ to choose it rather then being victims. MJ was such a huge part of the book pre-OMD, she was noticeably absent rather than phased out.

    While I’m a comic reader first and foremost, and I will always prefer a Married Spider-Man, I’ve come to accept Marvel is a merchandising company that happens to sell comics, and it’s easier to sell T-shirts and Lunch boxes with a single Spider-Man. Sadly.

  5. @david

    I didn’t say they SHOULD have split… Spider-girl has been the real continuation of spiderman for me and 616 the alternate.

    However if they would have to split a divorce would have been less of a defeat and much more in character than a littéral deal with the devil.

    A divorce is taking responsibility for your failure. A deal with the littéral devil is the further you can go from taking responsibility for your actions…

  6. @AdamBParker- Of course Peter and MJ would be together again, nothing last in comics, andthat applies more for the bad stuff than the great stuff. If MJ is a part of Kindred, she will inevitably be redeemed. Felicia recovered from her stint as a bad guy, so too would MJ. Marvel will never fully close the door on Peter and MJ’s love story, I wish fans would stop waiting for the twist of the knife and just enjoy the much needed surgery Spencer is performing to salvage Spider-Man from a decade long drought of accountability.

  7. @Sthenurus: Having MJ divorce Peter and vice versa would be Spider-Man’s greatest defeat, and should never be considered by any fan. To think that is to basically admit defeat, that Marvel was right, that the marriage cannot be sustained, that it wasn’t healthy, and that Peter and MJ are simply not meant to be. It is abhorrent thinking.

    Nobody wants him to be with anyone other than MJ. Felicia maybe has a chance in between chances with MJ, but ultimately her lifestyle clashes with Peter’s everyman routine, where as it’s easier simply to dial back MJ’s own lifestyle and ambitions and make her a regular person also.

    It also would diminish the importance of the mainline comics, since we have so many different continuities that have tested Peter and MJ’s relationship, only for them to come out on the other side stronger than ever. In certain universes, they have a family, they even fight crime together with their daughter. They. Are. Inseperable. If 616 does away with the marriage via divorce, it makes OMD look like something that was right all along, and makes the One-Above-All look like a fool for having faith in their love to such a level it made the very devil seeth.

    Divorce is out of character for Peter and MJ, and you can bet if that ever did happen, someone would probably still have them get back together anyway, so what would be the point? It’s lose/lose…either keep this phony reality the way it is and not resolve OMD, or acknowledge it exists but have them give up on their lives together anyway.

  8. @adam

    Or just let them.divorce… it happens all the time in real life. And after what happened to may, being on the run and scared since every enemies peter ever had know who he is I think mJ would have every reason to want to divorce peter.

    Or have peter divorce mJ to protect her and strike a deal with stark to get her into some sort of witness protection with a new I’d and everything.

    The whole supernatural angle was never really needed. With some creativity and good writing the marriage could have been annuled in an acceptable manner

  9. I was under the impression that mj whispered to Mephisto to also erase people’s knowledge of Peter’s identity as spiderman. I believe it was in OMIT?

  10. Are they retconning their own retcon? Brevoort claimed that Mephisto’s plan backfired on him, and deleted him right out of the storyline. IOW, Peter never unmasked so May was never shot, so they never made the deal. It made no sense, since Mephisto said there would be lasting, permanent consequences to the deal. If the deal was never struck, then OMIT never happened and there would be no force keeping Peter or MJ apart. (As if Mephisto was so stupid that he would metaphysically shoot himself in the foot like that. Or that there can be an effect without a cause.)

  11. @Mark Alford

    Thanks for putting in the leg work with the research. Looks like One Moment in Time already did a (pretty poor) job of covering what MJ whispered.

    Can’t believe I forgot that forgettable story.

    Just re-reading the JMS stuff, why didn’t Marvel use Loki instead of the deal with the devil. Loki owed Peter a favour. He could have asked the trickster to save May, Loki does it but with the Monkey Paw twist it creates BND. I like the marriage, but honestly I’d have let it go if Peter hadn’t made the deal. If it was something that was done to him. Then Marvel wouldn’t have had to spend 12 years trying to convince us that Peter and MJ could make a deal like this. Sorry rant over.

  12. I think it was proven that she said, “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car warranty.”

  13. I seem to remember that Marvel later (meaning, Quesada and Wacker), after the massive negative reaction to OMD. tried to make the devil-deal really MJ’s fault. But it was self-serving in terms of story, and it never took hold. Maybe Brad or JR will remember the Marvel brass trying to pull this.

  14. @Gabriel and AdamBParker

    Gabriel – yeah, quite a few people were thrown off when they assumed that the point of the Kindred mystery was the identity when Spencer only wanted that to be the beginning of the Kindred mystery. He’s certainly invested himself into this story and has lots more he wants. I’m glad people are tuning it out because the Kindred identity reveal didn’t go the way they wanted. I am so psyched for this story to play out that I don’t even mind the crammed in .LR issues every other week! This is coming from a cheapskate, so to get me not to mind spending extra money for more comics, Spencer has to be doing something right. If he can pull off the ending (oh, how many big stories were ruined with poor finish?), his legend as a Spider-Man writer great will be etched in stone.

    AdamBParker – OK, I found earth-81545 when I was looking for alternate Spideys for a Cobwebs article. The Marvel Fandom site includes it both in the earth-81545 entry and their Mephisto entry. I don’t know where they got it, but I do know that Marvel Fandom does not put an earth reality into official numbering until it is confirmed somewhere by Marvel brass. They use TRN to designate an unofficial earth, so with them having it in their official canon, I can only assume it was mentioned SOMEWHERE, just not in the pages of a Spider-Man comic. CBR also references it in an article on Mephisto ( which seems like it must have been an official statement fromMarvel. I’ll keep looking (I can’t pass up this chance to research!). So I guess it is possible that Spencer can ignore it without ignoring canon. I think you can lay your MJ/Kindred fears to rest. Spencer said in an interview that came out two weeks ago that Kindred was indeed Harry. So now the speculation starts to how that could happen. I’m sticking with my 616 Harry vs 81545 Harry theory for now!

  15. @Xonathn, Chi-Town, & Evan –

    Xonathan – Ha! I see what you did there. I miss your motion comics, by the way!

    Ch-Town – Ah, you are the gift that keeps on giving!

    Evan – I am glad it looks like Spencer will be dealing with both characters making the agreement with Mephisto. Mary Jane’s role in that was too big. I went back and read ASM#545 and without MJ pushing it, it wouldn’t have happened. Peter even gives her the way out saying that he could get past the death of Aunt May being his fault if they both agreed to move forward. While she made the call for him, she didn’t have to. Then again, he didn’t have to agree either and it is clear that if they do not make that call, the guilt might break them up anyway. It’s a loop, but both MJ and Peter need to come to terms with what they did. That’s why I doubt highly that addressing this will restore the marriage. Spencer likes for characters to have to live with the consequences of their actions, so, who knows how that will play out.

  16. I’m very afraid Norman is wrong and Kindred is not Harry. But a part of MJ.

    Marvel is giving Nick Spencer free reign to talk about Peter and MJ, pre-OMD, the marriage, what if this is so he can tell a story that ensures they’ll never be together again.

  17. Starting to wonder if we’ll find out what MJ whispered in OMD.

    Please can someone help. When was it revealed earth-81545 was merged with 616 to make Peter’s new timeline?

  18. @Gabriel — I agree. I think it speaks to Spencer’s skill as a writer. To take something unrelated as an example, regarding the reveal of the “person in charge” in the movie Solo, I read somewhere that Disney had several different ideas about who the character would turn out to be, and since the disconnect from the story allowed several options, at the very end they just made the choice for audience reaction and appeal, since no explanation was warranted. The story itself should suggest or be relevant somehow to the character, otherwise it just seems arbitrary. Harry’s identity as Kindred should not be downplayed because it wasn’t a surprise, but rather appreciated because it makes the most sense, as Spencer’s story will no doubt illustrate as it unfolds.

  19. It’s weird how wright Spencer was about “The question is not who, but why”, a few weeks ago, when was reveal that was Harry, a lot of people were desappointed, because the Kindred ID was kinda obvious, but now seing how the storie developed after that, this make the Spencer quote about the why being what really matter makes sense.

    Often when a reveal happen and the aswer is not exactly surprising, it’s about it, often there is no much left to a story, yet, now, looking to how the fanbase is reacting about this issue, everyone is curious why kindred is doing it, they’re not denying that Kindred is Harry reveal as some sort of “that is a red herring” anymore, and they’re not question “Why” with a grand of salt, they’re really curious about why.

    This is something pretty rare.

  20. I’m not even joking when I say I keep accidentally wanting to call Kindred Covid…Ugh.

    Wonderful review! This is my kind of issue, just because it gets everyone thinking and talking, and hopefully the former before the latter. I wonder why Kindred has not recognized or acknowledged Mary Jane’s role in the deal — and if his doing so will serve as an epiphany or turning point of sorts. Spencer did a good job reminding the reader of that, because I, for one, completely forgot! (I haven’t made it a habit to re-read One More Day.) By the way, it seems odd that there were phrases like “…she gets the upper hand” and “dealt,” etc., in an issue involving a literal hand. (Please note that I used the word “literal” correctly.)

    I can’t help but wonder if Spencer is visiting the Crawlspace and recognizing our (okay, maybe it’s just two of us) appreciation of onomatopoeia. I guess that’s little consolation for not getting a letter published, but it’s a nice thought, right? “FWASH” is a great word! I wish I could get a job just creating onomatopoeia. Incidentally, I know that “BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB” (which I copy and pasted) is the standard for a perfect score just because it’s unspeakably awesome, but pronounceability should count for something, right? I’m still not sure how to say that one, and I’ve been practicing. People at work are starting to look at me askance — more than usual, I mean.

    I look forward to the discussion among the comments as it unfolds!

  21. @Michael and @David Blythe

    Michael – Right you are, and I’m fool not to have caught that. I went back to ASM #545 and pulled the panel where she says yes and, as a result, is the catalyst for Peter agreeing (though, you could say that Peter was the catalyst for her response too). You know, going back and reading that story, as awful as it was and as ridiculous as it was, one thing he got right was having them struggle with the decision but in the end, both of them are equally responsible for the deal. I think Spencer will certainly play with that.

    David – Same from the above comment for you. This is a deal they both made and they are going to both have to deal with it. (Ha! see what I did there!) As far as answering the door in costume, this is New York. I imagine that there are so many cosplayers out there that you would be doubtful if you ever saw a real superhero unless they were doing something super at the time. Here it just looks like a drunk Spidey cosplayer in an old costume coming to pass out at this floozy’s house (of course *she* would pick that outfit, the huzzie). Maybe. But I get the point!

  22. @Jack and @Sthenurus

    Jack – I am so hoping that this continues the MU’s dislike of the wallcrawler. I always liked it when there was tension between the characters which usually resulted in some fight or distrust. I wasn’t a fan of people just thinking he was a joke, like we got a good portion of the first fifteen years of 2000, though.

    Sthenurus – I like it! His soul is barren from that deal, so his dreamscape is too. Nice one!

  23. Does Felicia always answer her front door in full costume?

    It was a really good issue, and the JMS era nods were very welcome. JMS is one of the greats and what he has left behind in the sandbox for others to play in, for better or worse, proves that it can further enrich the franchise and the pedigree of another writer’s talents, as Spencer and we are finding out here week by week.

    I still notice ome trepidation as to whether or not that elephant will finally be escorted from the room and off the premises…but I don’t think there is much room for doubt now. That dreamscape MJ was definitely lifted from One More Day and her response to Peter was what she said to Mephisto to let him know she was in on the deal. According to Marvel, it wasn’t just Peter you need to blame, it was MJ, it was the both of them, and that will be the true test of their relationship going forward past this arc. Spencer is going to make the pair of them own it and reflect on what it means to the pair of them.

  24. From what I understand, the astral plane is where the “soul” goes; therefore the dreamscape can be seen as the reflection of the soul.

    My interpretation is that OMD “hollowed” Peter’s soul. Hence why his dreamscape is completely empty and in ruined.

  25. One of Peter’s key qualities is his stubborn single-mindedness. He’s as stubborn as Steve Rogers, and maybe more depending on the circumstance. But it gets him into trouble. It looks like Peter is so single-minded about getting into the Dreamscape that he has a back-up plan that involves abusing his years of comradeship with Strange. Which seems stupid, since Peter knows he’s dealing with a demonic entity, so alienating the only guy he knows who can handle demons seems dumb. It isn’t like Daimon Helstrom is on Peter’s speed-dial. Maybe Sleepwalker is available. Q: because Peter’s Dreamscape has been completely emptied-out, the implication is the the OMD deal upended the original Dreamscape?

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