The Chi-Town Breakdown: ASM #848

(Writer) Nick Spencer
(Artist) Marcelo Ferreira
(Colorist) David Curiel
(Editor) Nick Lowe
(EIC) C.B. Cebulski
Date Released 8/26/2020
Issue Number #848
Price Tag: $3.99
Buy: Comixologyor GCC 


The Chi-Town Breakdown
Alford Notes

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Issue starts with a “calling to arms” video message from Sin-Eater that was published by Norah Winters from the offices of Threats and Menances.  Wait, didn’t see die?  NOPE.  Spencer fooled you!  The gunshot was actually Norah shooting Sin-Eater not the other way around, but it didn’t kill him.  * Meanwhile Carlie Cooper is blah blah blahing to Spider-Man about being stupid.  When Overdrive “came back from the dead” Carlie informed her superiors of the “rebirth” and they came to exact some revenge.  Don’t forget, Overdrive killed a cop.  She left and they almost got away with it, if she didn’t put two and two together fast enough and ran back to save him.  Hence him being on life support.   Sin-Eater’s message has gone viral and a cult has formed.  Spider-Man tries to stop this cult from spreading but Sin-Eater, now with “Lethal Legion Power Upgrade” proves that it won’t be an easy task.  The next cleansing on Sin-Eater’s list is NORMAN OSBORN!

  • Going Viral
  • Cooper Catastrophe
  • Target Osborn
  • Grade
  Going Viral
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Suspenseful Spencer.  He left a cliffhanger at the end of last issue and we all thought the worse possible outcome.  Turns out it wasn’t what we all presumed it to be, just Norah packing heat.  Not sure how Sin-Eater got a healing factor and I don’t think the Lethal Legion power upgrade provided him that.  I think Kindred supplied him that power upgrade which is a nice upgrade to have IMO.  I love how Spencer adds reality into this issue, proving once again that the Marvel Universe is OUR universe.  She’s got the scoop of a lifetime, something that could put Threats and Menaces on top.  Considering that Sin-Eater IS a threat, this video is right up the alley.  It’s going to do WELL for her website, BUT should she have done it though?  Jonah was spectacle and argued not to do it.  Making this video viral did gain “hits” and “clicks” to the website but NOW there’s a Sin-Eater CULT out there because of it.  Granted Sin-Eater would have found another way, but Norah played right into his hands.  The reality, especially today, when a video goes viral, change will follow.  Whether it would be for the good or for the bad.  In this case, bad.  This new Sin-Eater hasn’t killed any of his victims just “cleansed” them, we still don’t know the extent of his power.  His cult however, I’m willing to bet that a few if not most, just joined as an excuse to cause harm and or destruction.  This isn’t new btw, it happened way back in the 90’s in Amazing Spider-Man #363 when Carnage appeared for the first time at a concert influencing a attendee that he has “seen the light and now wants to see some blood” and was about to kill someone until Spider-Man stopped him.  If Peter were there in that office with Norah and Jonah, that video wouldn’t have gone viral because he would think of the possible worse case cernerio that it could cause and how many people would be hurt, but he wasn’t.  Whatever draws a crowd is most important I guess…
  Cooper Catastrophe
Yes, I do not like this character, but I gotta give Spencer credit for this one.  While Carlie is giving us the backstory on why Overdrive is on life support she shows Peter that people are not as humble as he would want them to be.  Peter believes the best in people, that if proven his case, they’ll snap out of what they thought is right.  Carlie is right there doing her best Alfred impression from The Dark Knight when referring to Sin-Eater’s cult  ” some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money… they can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.  Some men just want to watch the world burn.”  Unfortunately, some people want violence and will use any kind of excuse to justify their actions, and here that’s what Carlie is concerned about and explains to Peter.  Another dose of reality brought to you by the pen of Nick Spencer.
* Not my words!  She said it herself “I kept wondering why was I STUPID enough to leave in the first place.”  I just agree with it.  It’s her job as a police officer to stay for the report.  Following protocols and procedures.  It’s like if you were a teacher that taught young kids for a living to follow instructions and then said teacher went in his own back yard and dug a hole, accidentally cutting his cable when UTILITY flags were all around stating CLEARLY STATING….COM LINE: DO NOT DIG HERE.   Why would you do that!?
  Target Norman

Sin-Eater has Norman’s number and that is his next target.  To “cleanse” Norman with a bunch of Sin-Eating fans to back him.  What I find VERY interesting is what Sin-Eater said to Peter.  The reason on WHY Sin-Eater is going after Norman is when he’s “cleansed” it will show Peter the sins of what he did to Norman.  That has Kindred spilled all over it.  Spencer did say it’s not the WHO, but the WHY Kindred is doing this stuff to Peter and Norman plays a factor in it.  It’s also theorized that Norman KNOWS who Kindred really is.  There’s the connection there somewhere and I highly believe that Dark Mark may be on to something when he think Harry is Kindred, but I’m not going to start printing tshirts of Mark being right just yet.  The conclusion is of this issue, of course, is a set up for the two issues to come, but if you think Norman is going to take this sitting down, think again.  He’s The Green Goblin and now matter what is coming after him, he’ll be ready.  He may be crazy, but damn…if you know your Green Goblin history, he’s a smart bag of pumpkin bombs.  I think the most interesting part for the next issue will be the interaction between Norman and Peter.  He may outsmart Kindred, you never know with Norman.  It’s pretty exciting


Honestly, I really liked this issue!  How Nick Spencer plays into the “Marvel, Your Universe” aspect to his story line is great.  I sense realism in our world written into this story.  I know comics are supposed to be an escape from reality, but if you go too far it’s not that interesting.  Spider-Man is labeled as the “everyman”.   Ferreira art a bit dark for my taste but still fluid and smooth.  I can see and understand what’s going on with the story.  Spider-Man shows up in this issue as opposed to last issue and there’s some good fight panels in there.  I do understand Sin-Eater’s reasons, but his motives are just nuts.  Even Carlie Cooper is written well, but she says things that counter act how she behaved in the past.  It’s a suspenseful issue of things to come and I do like that.  My only gripe is that MJ wasn’t in this issue and I wanted to see more of a narrative from Norman.

I know most of you agree with me that we need to see Mary Jane more often, so here’s a commision I got from Carlos Gomez of Mary Jane and I taking a selfie…wait..does that make me canon now?  Mark is gonna be ticked….






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