Arachnid Analysis: Defining the Comic Book Ages for Spidey
In this article I postulate what specific issues or arcs demark Spidey’s transition from one age of comics history into the next.
In this article I postulate what specific issues or arcs demark Spidey’s transition from one age of comics history into the next.
Responsibility can’t wait. Happy Father’s Day! Spider-Girl (Vol. 1) #17 Published: c. December, 1999? Cover Date: February, 2000 “Turning Point — !” Writer: Tom DeFalco Artist: Pat Olliffe Inker: Al Williamson Letterer: Janice Chiang Colorist: […]
Do dreams really come true? I bet Kristen’s gonna die trying! Collectors for 6-21-20. Get more at www.CollectorsComic.com.
For many years, businessman and industrialist Norman Osborn has preyed upon mankind, by day in his civilian identity as a ruthless captain of industry, and by night as the deadly costumed menace known as the […]
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