Panel of the Day #621 (Splash Page Sunday!)

‘Tis the season!

Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle (Vol. 1) #1

Published: October 23, 2019
Cover Date: December, 2019

“Full Circle, Part 3”
Writer: Nick Spencer (I think.)
Artist: Mike Allred
Inker: Mike Allred
Letterer: Virtual Calligraphy’s Joe Caramagna
Colorist: Laura Allred

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  1. I’ve liked Full Circle too, I think I may be starting to wrap my head around it! I think people who complain about it being messy and confusing are sort of missing the point a bit, the fun is meant to be in seeing how much crazier each creative team can make things from the last and how they can resolve the seemingly random plot elements their predecessors left. I get that it doesn’t exactly work as a traditional Spidey story, but it’s not really meant to.

  2. I’m enjoying Spider-Man Full Circle a lot more on my second read through. I’d love to see another pass the baton story like this!

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