Podcast #571-Spider-News:Abrams Spidey, MJ Ongoing, Ditko News

The Crawlspace crew tackles a lot of Spider-News in this episode. Here are the topics: 

  • JJ Abrams and son take on Spider-Man
  • Mary Jane ongoing
  • Morbius Ongoing
  • Scream Ongoing
  • Spider-Verse TV Show
  • Encouraging Spider-Man
  • Real life Green Goblin Glider
  • Tom Holland’s Dad jealous?
  • Texas Spider-Man crook
  • Pot Plant Man VS Spider-Man
  • Disney refuses Spidey headstone
  • Ditko News-Collecting comics in trades against his wishes

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1 Comment

  1. Regarding Ditko: Legal oversight of the Ditko material passes to the inheritor(s). The end.

    The only force to deter publishing is pure sentiment;. If Ditko’s son feels that his father’s thinking was an expression of his own selfish philosophy of life , he isn’t obligated to uphold it. And he has the legal right to publish, regardless. I know I would.

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