Alford Notes: ASM #27/828

It’s Spidey and Boomerang vs. the Syndicate!  ‘Nuff said!


Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  Who Run the World part 2

Writer: Nick Spencer

Penciler: Kev Walker

Inkers: John Dell

Colorist: Laura Martin

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Ryan Ottley and  Nathan Fairbairn

Asst. Editor: Kathleen Wisneki

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: August 14, 2019


Remedial ASM 101

The Beetle has formed a new gang consisting of all female villains – White Rabbit, Scorpia, Lady Octopus, Trapstr, and Electro.  They  call themselves the Syndicate and they are after one thing – Boomerang!  Unfortunately, Boomy’s currently helping out at F.E.A.S.T. and hitting on Aunt May.


The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

Boomerang tries to stall the Syndicate after their initial explosion so that Peter can get Aunt May and himself to safety.  He does this by using his most notorious weapon – his mouth!  Unfortunately this weapon has a tendency to backfire and when he starts mansplaining why hitting a homeless shelter is a bad idea.   Apparently Boomerang has either tried to kill or hit on (or both) each of the Syndicate members except Trapstr.  Spidey shows up and there is an old-fashioned team-up.  Things fall apart, though, when the Syndicate recovers and under Beetle’s leadership, start running plays that they’ve practiced.  Spidey and Boomerang just get in each other’s way and the result is a gasarang that fires its payload onto Spider-Man and Boomerang.  Being laser focused on the task at hand, Beetle makes the Syndicate leave Spidey behind and they take Boomerang back to HQ. We have a very special moment where Electro is given the choice of what to do with Boomerang and they all recount ways that men have belittled them.

Beetle tells them that they will deal with Boomerang together when she returns, but in reality, she is selling them out to Kingpin who is going to bust in and get him back.  Kingpin wants something that Boomerang stole from him back in the FCBD issue that set up this whole run.  Spider-Man, upon returning home, finds out who Randy’s new girlfriend is…


Things That Passed and Things That Failed

Pass – The humor is well done as always.  Nick Spencer is best when he is writing loser villains and the issue is choked full of them.

Pass – reference to the old spider-tracer tracker

Fail – the English teacher in me is annoyed about the title – (one) that the subject and verb do not agree and (two) I feel that it is a reference to something I am not getting because I am old and out of touch.

Pass – You know I love a good literary term!

And that is completely my face when a student doesn’t appreciate a good term.  Speaking of literary terms…

OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)

Lots to choose from in this issue, but I am going to go with the sound Boomerang’s boomerang makes when it returns to his hand.  We need this to be a recurring sound effect.

On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), FWIP rates a 7.



Randy’s girlfriend – Beetle has all sorts of great potential drama here. Not only is she a villain, but she is the daughter of Tombstone, Randy’s father’s childhood horror.  Lots of ways this could go.  Good call from Spencer.  This is much better than it being Black Cat.

Boomerang’s character evolution – I like how Boomerang is legitimately trying to be a better person.  He is who he is, however, and that will always resort to the lowest common denominator.  He does put himself at risk in order to save Peter and Aunt May and I don’t believe that is out of character completely here.  Fred’s trying and he’s made some solid connection to Peter that he is not willing to throw away completely.  Also, it was great seeing him light up when Spider-Man showed up.

The Future of the Syndicate – well, this was always doomed to failure.  The group cannot get along enough to agree on food in the pantry.  I am a little sad to see that they are likely to be disbanded next issue when they realize that Beetle sold them out.  Although, that might be an avenue to bring Beetle and Boomerang together again…  maybe the start of a Superior Foes reunion?  One can only hope.

Kingpin’s stolen object – we get a hint here as to what Boomerang stole from the Kingpin that has him so upset.  He is staring at Vanessa’s portrait while brooding, so it has to have something to do with her.  Could be something simple like jewelry, but I think it might be something more. Add in the comments what you think it could be.

Old Feel – This issue reads like an old ‘80s comic.  You could pick it up without having prior knowledge and read it and get a story.  The bigger story continues to move on, but this one gives you a good beginning, middle, and end for the small issue story.


Extra Credit

Calling all artists out there – we need to see the panel drawn out that this is referring to!


Final Grade

It was a fun fight that lasted almost the entire book.  The jokes were great and the art was good. I wobbled between an A- and a B+, but I kept laughing at certain parts, so I’m giving it the bump.


Your Turn

What grade do YOU give it?

Click to enlarge

ASM # 27 / 828


What’s Next?

  • RULE OF THUMB: Don’t tick off Wilson Fisk, A.K.A. Mayor of NYC, A.K.A. FORMER (“Former”?) Kingpin of Crime.
  • Sadly, Fred Myers (A.K.A. Boomerang) was never good with rules.
  • Spider-Man is caught in the middle of this mess – and that thing that must also come with great power won’t let him just walk away.


Spidey and Boomy against Kingy?????  Marvel take my money!


Nick Lowe has asked people to let the Spider office know how they are doing by sending an email to and to make sure you mark it “OK to print”.  If you get published, make sure to draw our attention to it!




‘Nuff Said!

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  1. I didn’t make the connection that Robbie’s son is dating the daughter of his former nemesis – that will make for some awkward family dinners.

  2. It shows how good the writing was for this issue that I was genuinely disappointed in Beetle for betraying the others! I also really loved the banter between Boomerang, the Syndicate, and Spidey. My friend complained to me that he thought Randy being with the Beetle was too predictable, and it is true I saw it coming, but I’d say it’s the reveal with by far the most potential even if some other options might have been more of a surprise. If he was dating Black Cat, Silver Sable, or Paste Pot Pete, it might have been more shocking, but I can’t imagine it working for the story nearly as well! I think it’s impressive that we’ve had the Kingpin mystery dangling in our faces all this time, and it hasn’t become annoying in the least. Also, it was weird seeing Aunt May swear, but it didn’t feel out of character, she is only human, after all (and it was very funny.)

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