Join me in wishing the Crawlspace a happy 21st birthday. The site is now legal to drink. It was August 8, 1998 when I was surfing on dial up and found an ad for geocities. It advertised that I could have my own website. The best part was the cost, it was free. It was a couple years later when I secured the domain name. In those 21 years the site has gone through a lot of changes. If you’d like to see them, check out the site on the Wayback Machine. I’ve had a few different looks on the front page, had several different message boards and added a podcast in 2006. We’re now coming up on 600 episodes. I would of never suspected when I started the site it would help me talk to some of my favorite creators like Stan Lee, Sal Buscema. Nor would I ever suspect I’d get to interview the voice actors of Spider-Man and Firestar from my favorite 1980’s cartoon. The best part of the site however is the friendships I’ve made from around the world. We’ve had dozens of people that have written reviews and contributed to the site in some way. We’ve had podcast panelists, authors on the front page and even folks that help us with security. And I’m always amazed when I hear from people that have visited the site from around the world. Some people say they “grew up on the site.” So raise a glass filled with your favorite beverage and join me in saluting the Crawlspace. Here’s to another 21 years. Feel free to share in the comment section how you discovered the site and any fun memories you have of it.
21st Crawlspace Birthday

Happy Birthday, Crawlspace!
… so I hear you’re legal now, heh heh…
Happy birthday to the Crawlspace. This website literally changed the way I read, watch and overall enjoy Spider-Man. It got me through the dark times i.e. Superior – the first time I ever stopped buying Spidey comics. I can honestly say I have learned so many things about the character and his world from this website that I would have never known. Here’s to many more years!
Happy birthday! Congratulations and thank you to all of the content providers, writers, fellow fans, and friends in this community who make this such a wonderful site to visit.
Happy Birthday Crawlspace!
Happy Birthday to the Crawlspace. Finding this site and podcast really helped me out during rough times. Always will appreciate the Spidey community we have here. Thanks, BD!