The classic hall of mirrors trap!
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #67
Published: c. October, 1968?
Cover Date: December, 1968
“To Squash a Spider!”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: John Romita
Inker: Jim Mooney
Letterer: Artie Simek
The classic hall of mirrors trap!
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #67
Published: c. October, 1968?
Cover Date: December, 1968
“To Squash a Spider!”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: John Romita
Inker: Jim Mooney
Letterer: Artie Simek
Lifelong fan of Spider-Man. My secret identity is Adam S.
These two may seem like they’re two of a kind, but this was around the time when their relationship was getting a bit rocky. Felicia wasn’t too keen on the reveal that Peter was just […]
I don’t think I would want to take that bet! Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #39 Published: c. November, 1979? Cover Date: February, 1980 “Scourge of the Schizoid-Man!” Writer: Bill Mantlo Artist: John […]
Well that’s unfortunate. 😞 Spider-Girl (Vol. 1) #39 Published: c. October, 2001? Cover Date: December, 2001 “Duty Calls!” Writer: Tom DeFalco Artist: Chris Batista Inker: John Livesay Letterer: John Workman Colorist: Christie Scheele and Heroic […]
“Oh no, smoke. Whatever will I do?”