J.J. Abrams and his son Henry Abrams to write Spider-Man Miniseries!

Hey Crawlspacers!  Remember that countdown we all thought was a comic adaption to Raimi’s Spider-Man 4.  CLOSE.  It does involve a famous movie director, but not Sam Raimi or Spider-Man 4. Gotta hand it to C.B. Cebulski, he was right.  We all didn’t see this one coming.


Director J.J. Abrams (Cloverfield, Star Trek reboot, Star Wars: TFA & ROS fame) and his son Henry Abrams are teaming up with Marvel to write a Spider-Man Book in September.  They are introducing a new villain, Cadaverous, who will cause problems for Spider-Man, his alter-ego, Peter Parker, and his beloved Mary Jane Watson, in a five-part series.  Art to be done by Sara Pichelli!  New York Times did an interview on it.

A cover, by Olivier Coipel, of the comic J. J. Abrams and his son Henry are writing. “The story shows Peter Parker in a way you haven’t seen him before,” J. J. Abrams said.  So what do you think?!  Was it worth the hype of the countdown.  I like to think so and what I found very interesting is that Nick Lowe reached out to them about 10 years ago.  Maybe a substitute to the Loeb/Campbell Spider-Man project that was scrapped?  Who knows!  Let the Crawlspace know your thoughts!  Bet your webshooters that Brad and the gang will cover this new on the podcast. 

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  1. @Adam Schingle Oh of course she did. Thanks for reminding me. Really enjoyed that series artwork so this should look great.

  2. Has Pichelli drawn Peter Spidey before by the way? Despite the lens flares crack below, I’m looking forward to seeing what she can do with him because I enjoyed the energy she gave to Miles in USM.

  3. Mystery box story telling. JJA is good at setting them up, terrible at closing them (actually, reminds me of the guy that used to write ASM in that respect) so I expect lots of big moments and questions with little to no pay-off. Looks like I’m getting the trifecta – he ruined Trek and Wars for me, and now has the chance to ruin Spider-Man.

    I do wonder how well Pichelli will be able to draw lens flares.

  4. As long as it doesnt turn into a “shock value” storyline (MJ dying, someone coming back from the dead again etc) I’m interested to see what direction they take our wall crawler. Spider-Man has hit a semi dry spell as of late story wise so it feels like the writers just rehash what worked before (spiderverse, green/red goblin, resurrected characters). I mean what hasn’t Peter faced? It’s kind of why Miles is such an interesting character, he has similar problems to what peter had, but he deals with them differently. I’m all on board for a new villain and new adventures JJ!…JUST DONT ONE MORE DAY US!!!

  5. Er….um, well.

    I don’t know how I feel about this. Not sure the countdown was the right marketing gimmick. I liked a lot of the theories better than the actually announcement. I’d probably feel different if they’d just announced this first.

    Is this JJ’s first comic project? I assume it’s his son’s first.

    I’ll give the first issue a try as I do like a lot of Abram’s work. My biggest complains with his style is that he seems to set up a compelling mystery (Lost, Force Awakens) then leaves the project and lets others try to explain it. If he can stick it out for the full five issues, I’d be interested to see if he can end a story as well as he can start one. When he says “I wrote a comic” does he mean all five or just one?

    That cover needs changing, ASAP. It looks like two actors who had to be photoshopped in cause they don’t get on.

  6. I knew it wasn’t gonna be Spider-Man 4 and I was afraid people were just gonna leap to conclusions and have nothing but animosity toward whatever it actually turned out to be. And sadly, that seems to be true for a lot of people. :/

    Personally though, I’m excited to see what they bring. And heck, who knows, if it turns out great maybe we’ll see Henry on an Ongoing one day.

  7. I think it’s kinda neat and definitely a surprise, I never would have associated Abrams with a Spidey project for some reason. I think he might have a decent story up his sleeve though, his writing is generally solid if slightly predictable. I don’t know if his son has much experience in writing, but he could be a genius for all I know. I completely understand Marvel wanting to hype up a comic by such a famous creator, though I’ll have to wait and see what the story is like before I really judge.

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