Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2


Hello True Believers! Welcome to 2019! Happy New Year! How does the first Miles issue of 2019 fare? Does this issue hold up to the last one? Let’s find out!


Title: Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2 (Ugh…… I guess no cool titles is the new norm? Very disappointing)

Writer: Saladin Ahmed

Artist: Javier Garrón

Color Artist: David Curiel

Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

Cover Art: Marco D’Alfonso

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: January 9, 2019



Miles wakes up to the Rhino babysitting him after he passed out. Miles and the Rhino agree to team up and they discover that Tombstone is kidnapping children and putting special suits on them to give them powers. They fight, then Tombstone vanishes. To be continued……



GANKE IS BACK TO NORMAL!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! *Que cheers and applause*

Man I love Ganke


The Rhino was interesting in this issue, it was nice seeing him as not a villain for this story.

Man Miles, way to overshare a little there. Nothing like severely narrowing down the number of people you could be


Miles is still Miles. I was worried he was going to drift away from how he used to be. I’m enjoying the journal as a means of narration. I think that it’s very clever.


I’m also very happy we got another fight scene! Under Bendis these were few and far between but so far we’ve gotten a fight scene in every issue, which in my opinion, is how it should be.


What was lacking:

There wasn’t anything really lack per se but I would’ve liked this story wrapped up. I don’t see the reason why this story line should be stretched out for at minimum 3 issues (and it’s probably going to end up being 4 or 5 issues if we’re being honest). Why can’t we just have 1 issue stories? Already comics are ~$4 an issue, we don’t need these stories totaling up to $12-$20 for 1 story! Especially with the new Miles movie that just came out (if you didn’t read my or Javi’s reviews, definitely check them out! Links will be provided at the bottom of this review) people who just watched the movie and are interested in the character should be able to go to a local comic book shop (and we all know they need as much help as they can get at this point) and just pick up a story! New readers should not have to flail around trying to get the right issue and accidentally pick up part 3 of this multiple issue story! Or if you’re going to go ahead and do this multiple issue story, at least put a subtitle and label what part of the story it is on the cover! I get Marvel wants to make people buy more, but what gets people hooked is being able to pick up an issue and read a good story! I know that I have been turned away from buying certain comics because I had no idea what was going on and the only way to do that was to go back and buy the previous 15 issues. That’s not how you foster and grow your fanbase, it’s how you turn away new interested readers.


And this concludes Grant’s Rants.


Final Grade: C++

The story is fine, it was even enjoyable, but it didn’t feel like a whole lot was there. I’m stuck at an odd position. I feel the story was better than a C or even a C+ but not quite deserving of a B-. What do y’all think? Let me know in the comments!


Link to Javi’s Into the Spider-Verse review: https://www.spidermancrawlspace.com2018/12/18/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-spoiler-movie-review/


Link to my Into the Spider-Verse review: https://www.spidermancrawlspace.com2018/12/17/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-movie-review-first-half-spoiler-free/

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  1. @Franz29 yeah, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Cap showing up at the end, but I have a feeling it’s just going to be a one or two issue thing. At least I’m hoping it is

  2. @Hornacek – oooh yes, Miles got squished several times in that shipping yard, especially on the Ultimate difficulty.

  3. To me, Miles and the Rhino are now forever linked because of the many times I accidentally got Miles killed trying to sneak past the Rhino in the PS4 game.

    Also, it was in the Spidey/Rhino fight, not a Miles scene, but “Look out Rhino! Poachers!” makes me laugh just remembering it.

  4. I got kind of annoyed that Cap showed up at the end. I’ve had enough of Spider-Man not being able to solve his issues by himself over in ASM (from TPW) that to see it in just the second issue of Miles’ book is a little frustrating. Hopefully I’m just over reacting.

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