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Panel(s) of the Day #272

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Previews: November 14th, 2018

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1 Comment

  1. Hey there all,
    I was shopping at my local Barnes and Noble just before Halloween this year (2018) while there at Barnes and Noble I found out that Marvel put out a young teen novel entitled “Forever Young ” by Stefan Petrucua. I still can’t believe it cost was $9.99 for novel that is less than 400 pages… it was 356 count wise! Also I have a very good idea as to what was Joe Quesada main book in the original volume one of Amazing Spider-Man that made up his mind as to why Peter can not be able to be married to Mary Jane it’s in the caption boxes seen from this very issue, I am just betting is was a factor, yet he put Peter’s name there in his mind and beliefs instead of Silvermane!

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