Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #27

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #27

“Full Fathom Five, Thy Father Lies, Pt 2: Those are Pearls That Were His Eyes”

Writer: Neil Bogenrieder

Assistant Writer: Mohammed Jaafar

Editor: Mark Alford


Line Art and Colors: Neil Bogenrieder



Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #27

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #27 (PDF Version)

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  1. @Alexander Thompson- Thank you so much!

    The comic origin for Peter is still his correct origin, so his age is 33. The reason I put the Clone Saga five years prior to the beginning of the series was because I wanted the trail to be growing cold but still a hope in the back of Peter’s head; the three-year time skip was needed to keep the status quo change of the Mighty Avengers (And Peter’s falling out with them) fresh and opening a recently scabbed-over wound.

    The two years was more of a blind toss at the dartboard on my part. (It gives plenty of time for Peter and MJ to get through their separation, Peter time to grow into his role as a teacher, and join/leave the Avengers and live with them.)

    Hope that answers your question!

  2. I am in love with this story, though I have to ask: what exactly is the timeline for this universe? I know it takes place 18 years after Peter gained his powers (which, if we’re using the same origin as the comic, would make him 33 now), but was there a reason for putting the Clone Saga only 5 years before this story’s events? I don’t know, it just seems like it would make more sense to put it maybe 8-10 years ago.

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