Poor Corey just doesn’t have a clue! Collectors for 10-28-18. See more at www.CollectorsComic.com.
Collectors 10-28-18

Poor Corey just doesn’t have a clue! Collectors for 10-28-18. See more at www.CollectorsComic.com.
Eddie deAngelini is a long time comic book fan and collector. He is the writer and artist of the internet comic strip Collectors, which is loosely based on his own life, marriage and comic collecting obsession. His love of comics began at a young age and his claim to fame is owning every issue of Amazing Spider-Man. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Kristen, where they plan together for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
Do you and your partner have the SAME favorite season of the year? Collectors for October 1, 2017. See more at www.CollectorsComic.com.
Our friend Eddie DeAngelini was recently spotlighted on the front page of the Stan Lee website. Check out this very cool interview with Eddie. I dig his comic strip and I’m so happy to host it […]
Collectors #3 is coming and I need your letters!!! What’s a letters page without letters? Well, it’s not much of a letters page, is it? Send me your thoughts, praise, questions or snark and get […]