Podcast # 516-ASM #1 Review

It’s a new era of the Amazing Spider-Man. Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley take over the book after Dan Slott’s 10 year run. Do they knock it out of the park? Find out what the Crawlspace crew thought of the issue. We list the pro’s, con’s and give it a grade.

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1 Comment

  1. Really enjoyed this episode. You could really feel the energy the team was bringing to the show. I echo the crawlspace team’s sentiment (well, most of them) that this issue marked a true return to form. I’ve enjoyed quite a few of the post OMD issues (esp. the few Romita JR instalments) but I did cancel my order soon after issue 600, relying on digital and trades for the last 10 years. After reading this new issue 1 I’ve ordered print copies of this whole first arc , so I can enjoy it the old fashioned way, the week it’s published. Issue 2 was another corker so really looking forward to hearing the crew’s view.

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