First Venom, then Moribus now Sony is going to “Get Kraven.” According to Collider a Kraven the Hunter movie will be written by Equilizer 2 writer Richard Wenk. No details as of yet, or if Tom Holland’s Spider-Man will appear in the film. However, Kraven has tried to capture Venom in the past. So he may go after Tom Hardy, not Holland. What are your thoughts on this movie. Comment below.
Kraven Getting Solo Movie

If Sony was smart, they would have worked out a deal to have Disney properly introduce these characters in the MCU to get them established, then make the solo movies afterward as a way to explore the character more. Let Marvel Studios do the hard work and cash in basically.
Having looked at what Marvel Studios have done with their arguably b-list of characters, Sony’s trying to get a pieces of the franchise action. Other than Spidey, the best characters they’ve got are all ‘villains’ or ‘anti-villains’ so that’s what they’ll play with. There’s nothing to say the characters couldn’t find their way into a Spidey movie later on, but those are big budget extravaganzas. Venom looks decidedly low budget in comparison to ASM or Homecoming, sort of like Spawn did back in the day (ironically). Kraven could be pretty interesting but they need to make these work as standalone, not just as foundations for later projects.
I don’t want to watch a movie about a villain before they were a villain explaining how they become a villain. I want to watch a movie about a hero kicking the crap out if said villain. You can make the villain compelling, but only in the confines of the hero kicking the crap out of him/her.
This is why I won’t support the Venom movie. Next thing you know, they’ll start making Mindworm and Jackal films.
Can’t any of Spider-Man’s villains just appear in…. a Spider-Man film? Every time a Spidey character is announced to be getting a solo movie, I just lament the fact that Holland’s Spider-Man likely won’t get to interact with them.