Podcast #514-Remembering Steve Ditko

Spider-Man’s co-creator has passed away. The Crawlspace crew takes time to remember legendary artist Steve Ditko. Highlights of the episode include:
*Live callers discuss their favorite Ditko work.
*Best Ditko issues of Spider-Man.
*List of all the characters Ditko designed.
*Was Ditko happy?
*How the panelists found out the news.
*What would Spider-Man be like if Ditko stayed on for 100 issues?
*The panel reads tweets and Facebook posts from comic creators discussing their memories of Ditko.

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  1. Many good things pointed out; enjoyed it a lot.

    I’ve already read “Strange and Stranger – The World of Steve Ditko” by Blake Bell twice and never stop being fascinated by his art, just as much by posture regarding his private life and how he dealt with it.

    He’s one the best creators the comic book industry ever had – and I’m grateful for getting to know his work.

  2. I appreciate that the panel didn’t want to psycho-analyze Steve Ditko, which was right not to do. But at the same time I don’t think Objectivism builds quality relationships. In fact, I think it tears them down. There are aspects of it I like (the emphasis on reality over feelings, mostly), but a lot of it promotes a paranoid militancy against “being taken advantage of.” As if every human relationship is a negotiated commercial transaction. A settled fear of being part of a group. Any group. Even a happy, positive, life-affirming group. Ayn Rand was a horrible person IRL.

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