Podcast #513-Interview with Bruce Canwell Editor of Spider-Man Newspaper Reprint Collection

In this episode we have a lively discussion with editor Bruce Canwell. He works for the Library of American Comics and is in charge of putting the Spider-Man newspaper strip collection together. Since 2015 the group has put out four volumes out through IDW. A fifth volume is coming early next year. We talk about what it was like tracking down comic strips that were first printed 40 years ago. Other highlights include talking about the lost Spider-Man girlfriends. Have you ever heard of Carole Jennings? How about villains like the Protector and the Cult of Loomis? Canwell also has some fun stories about interviewing Stan Lee, John Romita and Larry Lieber. Check it out. 

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Here’s a picture of Bruce when he visited the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum where they procure the strips for the reprints.

Here’s a video that gives a nice overview of the Library of American Comics.

If  you would like to order the books, here are some Amazon links. By clicking and ordering them from the links you will support the Crawlspace.

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