Panel of the Day #129 (Splash Page Sunday!)

It was nice knowing everybody! While we wait for our impending doom, what’s a good portmanteau for Venom + Galactus?

Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #90

Published: c. May, 1992?
Cover Date: July, 1992

“Sleight of Mind!”
Writer: Howard Mackie
Artist: Alex Saviuk
Inker: Sam de la Rosa
Letterer: Rick Parker
Colorist: Bob Sharen

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  1. I know this is cool, but it’s also ridiculous. Galactus would have fried the symbiote right out of himself.

  2. I love this image. Venom + Galactus … how did they get all the way to 1992 without anyone coming up with this combination?

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