Panel of the Day #99

“You’ll never stop me… no matter how strong you are! I’m just too stubborn to know when to quit! I’ll keep on coming back… keep fighting… until I find a way to beat you! To win!”

Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #270

Published: c. August, 1985?
Cover Date: November, 1985

“The Hero and the Holocaust!”
Writer: Tom DeFalco
Artist: Ron Frenz
Inker: Bob McLeod
Letterer: Joe Rosen
Colorist: Bob Sharen

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  1. Even though I have to agree with xonathan that Spidey should be able to defeat Firelord with his brains instead of strength alone, I wouldn’t mind him giving a beatdown like this sometime soon, just to remind people that he’s a badass and not an under-powered schmuck who gets lucky sometimes. It would be even better if he gave a speech like this, or even a ‘World of Cardboard Speech’ (a trope named after a speech from Superman in Justice League Unlimited about how he has to hold back his powers in case he ever hurt someone, conceived by the writers to address how they’d made Superman seem kind of weak earlier in the show.)

    I honestly think something this extreme is almost needed with just how much they’ve nerfed him of late. Maybe have his planning and scientific skill play into it somehow as well (without any help from other characters!!!)

  2. Spidey should be able to defeat Firelord, but not on sheer strength. Instead using his brain and relentlessness. He did so with Juggernaut. In this one he just punches Firelord senseless until he knocks a demi-god out. Not sure if that is and accurate depiction of Spidey’s actual strength, but I prefer this over ANYTHING we’ve had in the past 11 years.

  3. This is a great fight, made even better by Dan Slott’s claim that he doesn’t like this because he thinks Spider-Man should not be able to beat Firelord.

    Also a great ending where the Avengers *do* show up, but it’s after the fight is over where Cap has to literally put his hand on Spidey’s shoulder and say “Stop, stop, he’s already dead!”

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