Spider-Man Crawlspace
Greetings Crawlspacers! Welcome to the thirteenth edition to Spider-Man Cosplay! The article on the front page that deals with interviews that I conduct featuring people who cosplay in Spider-Man themed costumes. If it’s Spidey-themed and love for the character I’ll find it and publish here right on the front page!!
Peter and Mary Jane got married and had a baby girl! In high school she had her mother’s good looks and her father’s spider-powers. Talk about hitting the Jackpot! Reaching out to Erin and what inspired her to coplay as May “Mayday” Parker better known to all as SPIDER-GIRL!
Hi Erin! Glad to have you with us!
Glad to be here Peter!

First thing on my mind is “Does my booty look good?” *laughs* Just kidding! Whenever I put on a suit I instantly feel confident. I believe that I am beautiful. I’ve always struggled with my confidence. I’ve never liked the way I look. But when I put that costume on I feel fantastic! I feel unique and different. I feel like a hero! Who knew that spandex could do that to a girl?!

Hmmmmm most recently Captain America because it shows off my curves and big booty! Gotta love your body because you only have one!

Photo Credit: davelphoto, miketuffley