Panel of the Day #75

That poor filing cabinet doesn’t deserve to take that kind of abuse! I didn’t even realize that Kraven was supposed to have super-strength.

I’m also amused by the fact that he calls Norman the Goblin’s “flunky.”

Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #47

Published: c. February, 1967?
Cover Date: April, 1967

“In the Hands of the Hunter!”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: John Romita
Inker: John Romita
Letterer: Sam Rosen

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  1. @Adam – In the first issues of Fearful Symmetry (aka Kraven’s Last Hunt) Kraven talks about how he’s an old man but he’s extended his life with the potions he’s taken over the years.

  2. @hornacek: I thought about the potions, but I guess I never thought they powered him up that much.

    @Mark: I’m looking forward to that. Kraven’s not my favorite villain, but I do think he’s interesting and a bit underrated.

  3. Adam, we must be in sync, because I just decided last night to do my best Cobwebs on Kraven. Not this issue, though. A one shot that I didn’t even know existed until yesterday.

    That poor filing cabinet!

  4. Kraven has above-average strength from the jungle potions he takes.

    As for him calling Osborn “the Goblin’s flunky”, in this issue we see a flashback (that makes no sense) where an intermediary of the Goblin hires Kraven to attack Spidey. When Kraven fails and doesn’t get paid, he tracks the intermediary with his jungle senses and discovers it’s Norman Osborn. Of course now Norman has amnesia and doesn’t remember any of this.

    I *think* this is the issue that Deadpool quantum leaps into in Joe Kelly’s run (issue #11?). That issue is so funny – love DP’s constantly remarking on Harry and Norman’s hair.

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