Panel(s) of the Day #56

Is it an insensitive nickname? I dunno. Is it catchy? Yes!

How did everyone like Season 2 of Jessica Jones?

New Avengers (Vol. 1) #51

Published: c. March, 2009?
Cover Date: May, 2009

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Billy Tan and Chris Bachalo
Inker: Matt Banning and Tim Townsend
Letterer: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Albert Deschesne
Colorist: Justin Ponsor and Antonio Fabela

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  1. Sadly, at the time, Bendis was actually writing the better Spider-Man character, and THIS is basically what he was doing with the character. A punchline, or the butt of a joke.

  2. Christ, Bendis is so overrated. Slott and Bendis write Peter likes he’s purposely trying to act like an ass towards people. That’s not at all how he acted until the late 2000s.

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