Panel of the Day #38 (Splash Page Sunday!)

The circle is now complete. Is this a hint of what’s to come in the Homecoming sequel?

Unfortunately, this guy didn’t make it to Round 2 of Mark’s March Madness Costume Battle Royale. There’s always next year…

Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #21

Published: c. February, 1992?
Cover Date: April, 1992

“Dealing Arms” (Oh, I think I get it. Is this an “arm” pun?)
Writer: Erik Larsen
Artist: Erik Larsen
Inker: Erik Larsen
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Colorist: Joe Rosas

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  1. Plus Doc Ock kicked Hulk’s ass. So I’m guessing this isn’t one of BD’s favorite books.

  2. @Mark: I kinda like Larsen’s art, I kinda don’t like it. He really seems to like exaggerating women’s lips in a way that I’m not a big fan of.

    @Vic: In the English version it’s “Schwarzenheimer.” Your translated version is correct!

    I actually used part of that conversation regarding Peter’s music taste for the second Panel of the Day:

  3. @Know-It-All Vic- Ah! I remember something about Sandman turning to glass and I do remember the MJ nudity movie, so maybe I did read this one after all!

  4. @Mark Alford
    If memory serves, this is his farewell arc with Spidey (he even hid a “bye, Spidey”) in his last splash page/panel, when every supporting character surprises Peter with a birthday party.

    The thing I like the most is that every issue begins and ends with a splash page.

    All in all, it’s an absurd (possibly in a good way) arc, with Doc Ock getting adamantium tentacles, taking the Sinister Six to another dimension to get some fire power and resulting in a massive team-up to stop them. Also, Sandman is turned into a glass statue, smashed into pieces and comes back as a “glass-man” to get some revenge. Plus, MJ is considered for an “Arnold Scharzenheimer” movie (don’t know if that’s the original name they gave him, but that’s what I got in my translated version, and I’m sticking to it!), but it’d involve nudity, so Peter’s conservativeness/prudeness shows up. Also, it’s during a discussion about said movie that we get a glimpse into Pete’s music tastes.

  5. But you’ve got to hand it to him, he didn’t go out of the March bracket without a fight. He put in the elbow grease (quite literally) and almost disarmed the #9 contender Ricochet. Oh rats – now I’m sounding like that recent issue where the Goblin King kept making hand puns. My bad!

    I don’t really remember this issue, but then again, I didn’t like Larsen art (to which I’ve been called to task over earlier), so a story that was drawn AND written by him was one I’m sure I didn’t buy when it first came out.

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