Cobwebs 49.6: The Winner!

OK, Crawlspace comrades!  We’ve voted 1,680 times to decide which suit is the official Crawlspace Spider-Man suit!  No more dragging it out.  No more making you watch Spider-Men dancing.  No more trolling George with the hoodie suit.  It is time to reveal the one, the only OFFICIAL SUIT OF THE SPIDER-MAN CRAWLSPACE!

And the winner is…..


To commemorate this occasion, I had the above image specially commissioned from Ditko himself!  Normally he doesn’t do these things, but as he is a long-time Crawlspace fan and was so touched that his version won, he jumped at the chance to show a little Web Pit Love.


OK, so let me know if we should do this again next March!  Did it drag out too long?  Was the field too big?  Give me your thoughts.  If the fans demand it, we’ll do a C-list villain battle to the death next year.

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