Spider-Man Cosplay #9! Featuring Spider-Man! (The Superior Spiderham)

Spider-Man Crawlspace

Greetings Crawlspacers!  Welcome to the eighth edition to Spider-Man Cosplay!  The article on the front page that deals with interviews that I conduct featuring people who cosplay in Spider-Man themed costumes.  If it’s Spidey-themed and love for the character I’ll find it and publish here right on the front page!!

Another Spider-Man cosplayer crawls out of your PS4 and tells me what it’s like to dress up as his favorite hero!  Comes see what “The Superior Spiderham” has to say!

So let’s get started! What drew you into Spider-Man and when was that? What does Spider-Man mean to you?
As a child I noticed my parents had some comics laying around which I happened to pick up one day. It was at that moment that my life was changed forever. Seeing Spidey attempt to catch the ever so slippery Slyde and even stop an out of control rocket using nothing but his wits was so inspiring. Having grown up without a father I had actually made him into a sort of “father figure”. I wanted to be like him in every way all down to his idea that if you have the power to help somebody you have the obligation to do it!

Favorite Spidey writers and artists?
My favorite artist to ever envision the wall crawler would have to be Mike Zeck. The way he made the wall crawler come to life was unlike any other artist I’ve seen before. Also there’s no way you can’t guffaw at a guy cool enough to come up with the symbiote suit!

Was there a favorite issue or story arc you like?   Can you tell us why?
As for my favorite story arc I have to go with Kraven’s last hunt! The whole scenario Spidey was in was just so impossible and seeing someone as mean and lean as Kraven take over the suit made me realize how important Peter’s values were and how it shaped Spider-Man into who he really is. 

Is there any merchandise you hold dear to you that represents your love for the character besides your Cosplay?
My favorite Spidey merchandise I own is part 4 of the kravens last hunt storyline. The amazing visual of Spidey coming back from the grave was so powerful and I also had the honor to have it signed by both Mike Zeck and the legendary Stan Lee!

Speaking of which, let’s get into that! Spider-Man (PS4 Costume)  is one of your spider themed cosplay. What was that like designing the costume and did the costume present any hurdles to you when making it. What drew you into cosplaying that character?
My costume (although it is not home made) was an instant inspiration to me. I saw the unique as well as sleek design and knew right away that the suit would be able to show everyone just how badass Spidey is. I felt it would be a good starting point in my Spidey career as I would stick out and be remembered when people go to pick up that new insomniac Spider-Man game! 

You suited up for the first time and ready to walk on out of the floor. What was that like and how did that feel?
Oh boy was I nervous. The hardest part was being worried that I wasn’t going to be able to live up to the part but it all melted away the second I saw the smiles on people’s faces when they saw a real life super hero walking towards them. To see someone look up to the suit as I once did made me realize that I can get these guys just as hooked on the wall crawler as I first was when I first saw him. Honestly it was extremely emotional to have the opportunity to spread the Spidey love and be the one to represent the huge icon. There will never be another thing in life that makes me happier than representing such a great icon.

Are you excited about the new game coming out and what made you cosplay in THAT costume?
I swear to be the first person in line to pick up the game! Honestly I’m just super excited to show up in costume at my local gamestop to pick up the game and bring some smiles to others faces as they wait along with me! 

Sometimes a costume you cosplay as defines you, because you represent it so much. Has anyone ever called you “Webhead” or “Spidey” while out of costume?
Yes! All the time and I love it. Even before I represented the character in costume I tried to represent his ideas and for that I gained the nickname Peter!

Any cool stories you wish to share while dressing up and walking around as Spider-Man?
While walking around Salt lake Comic con I was called out and asked to take a picture with none other than the stunning Silver Sable! After that moment we had become instant friends and quite honestly she is now my best friend. It just goes to prove that when you put yourself out there you can meet so many amazing people that have their own idol they look up to and live by and quite honestly there’s no stronger connection than another person just having fun and spreading joy. 

This is a Spider-Man site, but I’m sure people would like to know. What other cosplay costumes have you done?
Nope! I’m actually pretty proud to be cosplaying as only Spider-Man. He’s had by far the largest impact on my life and will most likely be my most cosplayed character by far!

Have you ever considered dressing up as another spidey themed character?
YES! Absolutely I have always been wanting to do a ricochet cosplay as well as a bombastic bag man cosplay! They will definitely be hitting my channel adventually so stay tuned for them!

Have you ever heard or visited the Crawlspace (this site)?
Yes absolutely! I encourage everybody to go check out the daily panel as well as check out the insightful comic reviews!

Do you listen to the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast?
No actually but I am about to become a dedicated consumer of the podcast!

Where can people find you online if they wanted to?
If you would like to find me online you can find me on Instagram @the_superior_spiderham  or if you live in the southwestern Colorado area and would like to book a party you can reach me at 585-610-2696!

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