Previews: April 4th, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man #798 (Mary Jane?) Spider-Man #239 Venom #164 Venomized #1 Previews provided by Comic Book Resources
Amazing Spider-Man #798 (Mary Jane?) Spider-Man #239 Venom #164 Venomized #1 Previews provided by Comic Book Resources
This time out I will address perhaps the single most controversial aspect of ASM #300. The reveal of Venom’s identity as a complete stranger!
What better way to celebrate Venom’s 30th anniversary than with “Venom Was Right” apparel? Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #201 Published: c. April, 1993? Cover Date: June, 1993 “Over the Line!” Writer: J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Sal […]
In several philosophies the fundamental components of a human being are divided into three aspects: the mind, the body and the soul (a.k.a. the spirit or the heart). Lets see how these concepts apply to […]
Even if Spidey quits, you can guarantee that he’ll always come back with a renewed fighting spirit! Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #50 Published: c. May, 1967? Cover Date: July, 1967 “Spider-Man No More!” Writer: Stan […]
Anyone else here a fan of the Mets? Is Spider-Man the most famous Mets fan? So many questions! Spidey Super Stories (Vol. 1) #8 Published: c. February, 1975? Cover Date: May, 1975 “Spidey Up Against […]
Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artists: Joe Quinones Editors: Nick Lowe E.I.C: C.B. Cebulski Crawlspace Reviewer: Chi-Town Spidey Crawlspace E.I.C: Brad Douglas Peter deals with high school pressure from his classmates and older Peter helps out. […]
OK, Crawlspace comrades! We’ve voted 1,680 times to decide which suit is the official Crawlspace Spider-Man suit! No more dragging it out. No more making you watch Spider-Men dancing. No more trolling George with the […]
Gotta love those acrobatic Ditko poses! I’m no expert, but there’s a sense of dynamism here that I think a lot of modern stuff is lacking. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #30 Published: c. September, 1965? […]
“Murdock’s the Kingpin now. He holds all the cards. Pulls all the strings. Anything or anyone who’s not in his pocket yet…it’s just a matter of time before they will be.” Gwen struggles to control […]
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