Greetings Crawlspacers! Welcome to the second edition to Spider-Man Cosplay! The article on the front page that deals with interviews that I conduct featuring people who cosplay in Spider-Man themed costumes. From Spider-Man, to Mary Jane, to Doc Octopus, all the way down to Aunt May! If it’s Spidey-themed and love for the character I’ll find it and publish here right on the front page!!
Today on our second edition, we have another talented, extraordinary woman that I have had the honor of being friends with throughout the years. She cosplays as the Silk! Let’s keep the love going for Spidey’s “Love Life” going this month (Feb) and dive right in an see what Jenny has to say!
ME: So let’s get started! What drew you into Spider-Man and when was that? What does Spider-Man mean to you?
JENNY: “I actually started watching the Spider-Man cartoon in the 90s. I always enjoyed the fact that Peter Parker was able to make a living pretty much exploiting his Spidey adventures via photography. And he was also into science. He wasn’t pigeon holed as just being a superhero which I always admired. That meant a lot to me. There were many instances as a girl when you’d hear shock and aww if you excelled at more than one thing. I’ve never wanted to fit into a box, so to speak. Spider-Man showed me that you could still be a superhero and be smart as well as artistic.”
ME: Favorite Spidey writers and artists?
JENNY: “I really like the fluidity of Mark Bagley’s work. He really put a fresh spin on the classic Spidey look with overly exaggerated poses and shapes. But you can’t go wrong with some classic Alex Ross either.”
ME: Was there a favorite issue or story arc you like? Can you tell us why?
JENNY: “Do you collect comics or are you more into the art of it? I actually never read any of the Spider-Man comics until one of my friends suggested I cosplay Silk. I always enjoyed the times Spider-Man and Hob Goblin faced off in the cartoon though. I collect mainly X-Men comics but I do enjoy all forms of Spidey related art. I grew up drawing and recreating comic art always kept me practicing. One of my favorite pieces I’ve ever drawn was actually of Carnage.”
ME: Is there any merchandise you hold dear to you that represents your love for the character besides your Cosplay?
JENNY: “I would have to say that would be the Silk painting that my friend Esteban Salinas gifted me. I’ve had the privilege of seeing Esteban’s work evolve over the last couple years and I was honored when he asked if he could use photos of my Silk cosplay for reference.”
ME: Speaking of which, let’s get into that! Silk is your spider themed cosplay. What was that like designing the costume and did the costume present any hurdles to you when making it. What drew you into cosplaying that character?
JENNY: “Silk is actually the only cosplay that I didn’t have a hand in creating. Lol I found it on a website called Herostime. As mentioned one of my friends suggested I start cosplaying her. I ended up picking up the first few issues of Spider-Man that she debuts in and instantly fell in love with the character. It was interesting to me how she and Spidey were drawn to each other since they were bit by the same spider. Her story was slightly more tragic since she had been locked away for so long after being bitten. I’ve always been drawn to the animalistic traits of such characters.”
ME: You suited up for the first time and ready to walk on out of the floor. What was that like and how did that feel?
JENNY: “It’s always a great feeling to suit up as a favorite character. I tend to go more obscure with my cosplay choices so I’m used to people either not knowing who I’m supposed to be or knowing enough to be able to fangirl/boy with me about the character. It’s one of the best feelings, that’s for sure.”
ME: Sometimes a costume you cosplay as defines you, because you represent it so much. Has anyone ever called you “Cindy” or “Silk” while out of costume?
JENNY: “I think there’s been once or twice when that’s happened with Silk. People will usually call me X23 since that’s one of my more known cosplays.”
ME: Any cool stories you wish to share while dressing up and walking around as Silk?
JENNY: “I’ve been fortunate enough to attend a few charity events as Silk. One of my favorite events as Silk was at the Boomers Baseball Superhero Night with We Are Cosplay. We had a great time walking the concourse and had a bunch of photo ops with the fans. There’s nothing like having a kid run up to you so they can have a conversation with their favorite superhero.”
ME: This is a Spider-Man site, but I’m sure people would like to know. What other cosplay costumes have you done?
JENNY: “Oh man.. loaded question. Maybe I should just go over the ones I haven’t done yet? Lol seriously though, I have a couple versions of X23 and Wonder Woman (including a Lego version WW), Arkham Asylum Harley Quinn, Hitgirl, Valkyrie Dani Moonstar, Lady Mandarin, Wondergirl, Psylocke, Black and White Comic Book Michonne, Robin Sparkles, Manjula Nahasapemapetilan, Nefertina from Mummies Alive, Warrior Pocahontas, Steampunk Rogue and my newest build is a variant version of Hawkgirl that I’m super excited to debut! I’m pretty sure I left a few out but you get the idea. Lol”
ME: You don’t have to say Silk, but which costume is your favorite to dress up as?
JENNY: “I seriously have to choose one?? But how? I’d probably say Wonder Woman or Wondergirl since they are my go-to costumes for the charity events I attend.”
ME: Have you ever considered dressing up as another spidey themed character?
JENNY: “Not really but I wouldn’t mind making one of Silk’s other costumes.”
ME: Have you ever heard or visited the Crawlspace (this site)?
JENNY: “I’m new to the site but I’m looking forward to poking around it more!”
ME: Do you listen to the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast?
JENNY: “I don’t yet but I’ll have to add it to my list!”
ME: Where can people find you online if they wanted to?
JENNY: “Social Media pages. Drawn to Cosplay on FB or philter2001 on Instagram.”
ME: Jenny, thanks for doing this and it was a pleasure.
JENNY: “Anytime! Thanks for thinking of me!!!”
Good costume meh character.