Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6 (2017)


Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6 (with reviewer’s thoughts)

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Artists: Michael Walsh

Colorist: Ian Herring

C.Artist: Paulo Siqueria and Rachelle Rosenberg

Editor-in-Chief: Alex Alonso

The issues starts off…

With Jameson cooking a meal for Spider-Man.  Reason is that it makes the person that is being interviewed feel comfortable and at ease.  Once dinner is prepared and they are sitting down, it’s down to business.  A silent pause skips a beat and Spider-Man gets up and says that this is just ridiculous.  Jameson states he needs to honor their deal and Spidey sits back down.  Jameson begins to reveal what he knows about Teresa and all that happened.  Things Spider-Man already knows, so when he’s bored, he jokes, until Jameson brings up a very good point.  The Tinkerer may be the mastermind behind the Gray Blades.  Selling both superhero and supervillian’s secrets and destroying Mason’s lab was for him to cover his tracks.  Spidey can’t believe he didn’t think of that.

Thoughts:  This plays out well.  I think this is ridiculous and so does Jameson and Spider-Man.  Means to an end though.  Peter can’t believe he missed this.  Well, with the way he’s been acting in the previous issues, I sure can.  He should be smarter that this.  I like how Jameson has Spidey right where he wants him.  If he packs up and leaves, he’ll have the proof he needs to expose Spider-Man.  Jameson knows it, Spidey knows it, the readers know it.  Points for Jameson on this one. 

Now it’s Spidey’s turn.  Jameson asks the obvious.  “Who are you?” and that turns into a great debate of two sides of the coin with Jameson getting to the point.  “You are afraid to answer to anyone!  To keep you in line!”

Thoughts: OOO!  Another point to Jameson.  That debate of why he wears the mask finally came to the conclusion.  Spider-Man even told him why he wears the mask, to protect the ones he loves.  Jameson is not buying it and makes valid points to Spider-Man on his justification for wearing the mask.  Jameson said his blog keeps him in line, but that’s just Jameson’s ego talking and Spider-Man responds in kind. 

Spidey feels that, he does, he’s reminded of that but he’s not going to take that lying down and he shows proof on how Jameson need to take a piece of his own advice.  Right away he created the Spider-Slayers and the Scorpion to kill Spider-Man.  Jameson tries to defend himself that he was doing that to “protect the city” to hold Spider-Man accountable.

Thoughts: Point to the webhead!  Don’t dish out what you can’t take. 

Spidey then asks why should he care and Jameson answers with a sigh.  Tells Spider-Man the real reason he hates him is because of  his mask.  Years ago a mugger attacked Jameson and a girl he was dating at the time.  He wore a mask too.  All Jameson thought about was how he hated him, he was a coward in a mask.  Personal drama like that after seeing Spider-Man for the first time, led to his passion on unmasking Spider-Man.

Thoughts: Reminds me of Jameson’s agenda in the 90’s cartoon.  Almost a exact mirror reflection.  I dig it. 

More retorts follow but it more of repeat of what we just saw.  Spider-Man could of done something better with his powers to which Spider-Man replies that Jameson could have done something better since he was MAYOR.  More arguing goes on between the two.  Jameson attacks and Spider-Man deflects.  Finally Jameson gives in.  He lost everything because of the events that happened to Spider-Man.  The Bugle, his wife (twice), his father, his reputation.  All that evolved around Spider-Man, so now he’s stuck in his apartment blogging about his vendetta against Spider-Man.  Peter feels guilty and gives the man what he wants, he unmasks in front of him

Thoughts: Another point to Spidey on that one.  That is Spider-Man.  He’s taking responsibility for his actions.  Not saying Jameson was a victim when all that stuff happened in Spider-Man adventures.  He’s far from that, but Pete knows.  It doesn’t matter, this happened while he was in costume jumping around.  Making calls at Parker Industries.  He feels that guilt and owns up to it.

Jameson can’t believe it.  He’s in shock (twice I may add, Civil War anyone?) and Peter reveals the reason why he wears the mask again this time with names of Uncle Ben and tells Jameson he’s not alone, Pete peaks on his laptop and guess what.  Jameson told the internet in his blog that the interview was happening tonight.  Pete quickly puts the mask back on and Jameson feels responsible that his ego for his blog got the best of him.  FBI agents rush in, but Spidey escapes.

Con: Not a fan of the art.

Grade: A-
It was a solid issue and I applaud Zdarsky on that.  Continuity kept it down a bit for me, but this issue was just about Spidey and Jameson getting things out in the open.  Was it a mistake to unmask, most likely.  Both feel at fault here and it is a turning point in my opinion.


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