Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #300 Review

Peter Parker: The Spectacular
Spider-Man #300

Writer:  Chip Zdarsky
Artists:  Adam KuberJuan Frigeri
Editors:  Nick Lowe
E.I.C:  C.B. Cebulski
Crawlspace Reviewer: Chi-Town Spidey
Crawlspace E.I.C: Brad Douglas

Spider-Man finds himself in a pickle but with help from super friends he’s able to get out of it.  Mason brother is a robobro and there is only one Tinkerer.  They are all defeated and collected after the fight.  Don’t celebrate yet, Alien Robots have come a knocking.  He discovers the Tinkerer’s plot.  Apparently Tinkerer, found an alien robot years ago and brought it back to life.  It was destroyed though in his lab along with notes on how to stop them if they became hostile.  Spidey and friends try to figure out how to spot them with the notes being destroyed and all, then Dr. Doom shows up and Spider-Man asks to borrow his Time Machine.  Both Spider-Man and Teresa travel back in time to obtain the notes before they go up in flames. 


Once again Spider-Man is saved by his “Amazing Friends”.  Let’s count them down.  Human Torch, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Ironheart, Falcon, Jameson, Betty Brant, and Dr. Doom.  Wow…what a TEAM UP.  I have said this plenty times before in my reviews for this book.  That’s half the problem, too much “Team Up”.  Being fair though, Spidey was placed in the tough predicament.  He wasn’t going to get out of that mess with being pinned down and five super villain’s there (with amped up suits btw) ready waste him.  I mean look at the first page, yeah…he’s not fighting out of that.

In a situation like this one…you use a life line.  Zdarsky actually does a okay job characterizing Spider-Man during the fight scene.  Writing that Peter finally puts the pieces together and on how frustrated he was when should have figured this out sooner.  Still, the other superheroes are written with more maturity and are shown on how tough they can be than Spider-Man is written.  Not saying Spidey has his moments, which he does in typical Spider-Man fashion no less.  Just ask Jameson what’s the next car he’s going to HAVE to purchase.

Team Ups are supposed to be rare and something to be excited about, now it’s a common thing.  Remember back to the Spider-Man solo title book.  “Revenge of the Sinister Six”.  That was a Marvel Team up in a story that actually was praised.  The other heroes made small cameo’s in issues before or had a personal vendetta with the Sinister Six.  Through the issues though, I was mostly Spider-Man figuring things out and fighting BY HIMSELF.  The last issue is when they all got together and defeated the Sinster Six.
Editor’s Note: Nice subplot of Mary Jane in that run btw. (Spider-Man Volume 1 Issues 18-23)

Agent Mintz story line is wrapped up as well.  It’s the old classic “superhero are freaks! I’m saving people! I’m above the law and have power over blah, blah blah..” speech.  The Gray Blade was a pointless subplot just to move the plot along.  It’s during this point of the book that there is a lot of dialogue to explain basically everything that has to be wrapped up.  Spidey’s secret identity is also talked about when Jameson and Johnny Storm exchange notes.  Honestly Zdarsky could have went another way with that.  I like the art, not going to lie.  It’s the end of this issue that has a major problem….

The way to fix this is Time Travel.

Image result for liar liar, oh come on gif

The Flash has time travel, not Spider-Man.  Booster Gold is time travel, not Spider-Man.  MARTY MCFLY IS TIME TRAVEL..NOT SPIDER-MAN.  So the next few adventures are going to deal with Peter and Teresa in the past. On the upside there is a Black Cat heart warming story at the end to full fill the $5.99 that’ll you’ll have to shell out in order to obtain this book.  This book still feels like too much of a Team Up book than anything.  Spider-Man at times is within character and is NOT within his character.  My opinion, the webslinger deserves much more than this.



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  1. What happened to the review for issue #299?

    “Team Ups are supposed to be rare and something to be excited about…” I agree. I remember getting excited when Spidey would team up with another hero, back in the 90s.

    For a milestone issue, it was pretty crappy. Bad enough I didn’t remember what happened in the previous issue, but I was lost with who Mintz is, as well as Gray Blade. Then there was this alien attack which seemed to come out of nowhere. The reason for the time travel wasn’t clear to me.

  2. I would have to agree with all of your points Chi, and yes, the car-smashing scene was arguably the best part for me.

    This book could be a whole lot better if it was just dialed down a bit.

  3. Just some thoughts:

    It seems odd to me that Marvel would have an event as momentous as Peter unmasking to J. Jonah Jameson outside the main series, although I’m glad it did, otherwise Dan Slott would have to undo it before he left Amazing. Still, the repercussions have been quite different than I expected — though I guess the Civil War type of confrontation between them has already been done. And Felicia’s giving up her “Queenpin of Crime” status likewise happened outside of the main book, as well, if I remember correctly. It seems to me that that’s a pretty momentous event, as well, so far as continuity in the main title is concerned. I wonder why these particular plot points were handled this way.

  4. Nice work on the review Chi-Town Spidey

    I agree with everything you said, and just to put in my 2 cents, it was

    Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, recurring

    to be honest I think I went down a couple of IQ points with this issue.

    The only thing that saved me was the Black Cat back up story, which I’m glad to see that you reviewed separately, to do so otherwise would have been a disservice to it.

  5. I really like the new format for your reviews!

    Also, is it just me, or has there been a lot of time travel in Spider-man in recent years? Marty McFly and Emmett Brown are my time travelers are choice.

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