We all have heard it at least once in our lives: “Oh, you like comics? But that’s for kids!” And so it went during some dates through my early teenage years. Because whenever I was […]
We all have heard it at least once in our lives: “Oh, you like comics? But that’s for kids!” And so it went during some dates through my early teenage years. Because whenever I was […]
So we’re playing catch up. BUT FIRST! WHAT CAME BEFORE: A 90s level crossover with the SLINGERS brought forth more mystical madness that you suddenly have come to expect from the most unexpected source! Mysterio […]
Spider-Man Crawlspace PROUDLY PRESENTS Greetings Crawlspacers! Welcome to the fourth edition to Spider-Man Cosplay! The article on the front page that deals with interviews that I conduct featuring people who cosplay in Spider-Man themed costumes. […]
It’s been getting pretty chilly here in Southern California, so what better way to keep warm than with a nice cup of hot cocoa? Geez, Aunt May! Can’t a Spider-Man have a private moment with […]
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