Previews: February 14th, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #16 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42 (Mary Jane) Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14 X-Men: Blue #21 (Venom) Previews provided by Comic Book Resources
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #16 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42 (Mary Jane) Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14 X-Men: Blue #21 (Venom) Previews provided by Comic Book Resources
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2016) #17 “Night of the Wraith, Pt 1: Forward Unto Dawn” Writer: Neil Bogenrieder Assistant Writer: Mohammed Jaafar Editor: Mark Alford Cover Line Art: Neil Bogenrieder Colors: Hunter Bruton Link: Friendly […]
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #299 (with review’s thoughts) Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artists: Adam Kubert & Juan Frigeri Colorist: Jason Keith C.Artist: Marcos Marin Editor: Nick Lowe Editor-in-Chief: C.B. Cebulski Plot: The issue starts off with […]
Welcome one and all to an exciting new Crawlspace feature: Panel of the Day (because SOMEONE demanded it! Maybe?)! Here we will take a gander at panels (sometimes multiple, sometimes splash pages… whatever I can […]
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