Like the Crawlspace? Always wanted to write reviews?
Well then, we are looking for YOU!
We are in need of some positions that need filled, with the opportunity to do more work if wanted!
We are in need of:
–Spectacular Spider-Man reviewer
These two titles would require some catching up, and we want the newest issue first. If you want to review for one of these titles, you must submit your review to crawlspacemail@gmail.com
Couple of prerequisites:
-Focus on analysis, as opposed to the beat by beat of the issue.
-Give Pros/Cons, and articulate fully what worked for you as a reviewer
-Keep them within 3500 words, though this is flexible.
-Social media savvy
-WordPress knowledge is a plus
We are also in need of a news writer. This person would give a daily dose of Spider-Man, and Marvel related news topics.
-Be able to separate news, from rumors.
– Social media savvy
– Write front page posts detailing what is new, and unique in Spider-Man world.