SYFY has done another package about the Art of Spider-Man exhibit. It looks literally amazing. Has anyone been able to visit it yet? Comment below.
Go Inside the Art of Spider-Man Exhbit in NYC

SYFY has done another package about the Art of Spider-Man exhibit. It looks literally amazing. Has anyone been able to visit it yet? Comment below.
Brad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
Marvel sent over previews for Spidey books coming out November 9th, 2022. What will you be picking up?
Marvel sent over this press release. What are your thoughts? Discuss it below. DAN SLOTT AND MARK BAGLEY BRING ABOUT THE END OF THE SPIDER-VERSE IN SPIDER-MAN #1Following the events of EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE, a […]
I happened to be off last friday night so i went. It was amazing!
Seeing all that John Romita art up close as well as work by Frenz, Pollard, Ditko, Starlin and more was great.
How cool to see the artwork from “The Kid who Collected Spider-Man” and from the newspaper strip.
There were quite a few comic book people there too including Todd McFarlane and Chris Claremont. But the absolute best part of the evening was meeting THE John Romita and his wife. I knew he was going and was hoping to at least see him but to be able to shake his hand and tell how much I’ve enjoyed his and his son’s work all these years was thrilling.
What genuinely nice people they are. Someone said no autographs as we were going in but people did have him sign some books and he was incredibly gracious about it. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity so i asked him to sign my train ticket which of course meant i had to buy a new one to get home but who cares, right? It literally was the best moment of my comic collecting years.
Good video! I wish I had a thousand bucks to drop on Spider-Man art!